which would be a good title for a piece
but as usual in a sine curve of irregularity
the pain has reached out and touched me
I just wish it would leave me alone
which is a song title
so I know how a kebab feels on a pole slowly spinning
I could be more poetic BUT
Lenny Bruce should take over
Its a &^%%^^ doing a ^%*)(*)(* to my loopadoo
If you know what I mean like
I should repost my Lenny Bruce piece but you can find it for yourselves
Don't forget to REGISTER and plan who you are giving a lift to
Turning up and Voting is the ONLY WAY OUT
I doubt if the T word will resign
He may even start wearing a mask
He never drained the swamp HE IS THE SWAMP
I 've watched 50 years of Politics and he is the worst ever
Ok here's a random piece chosen so you can have something
for the 4th of July weekend
Let There Be Light ©
Michael Casey
my tears be my words
the candle light be my eyes
the flowers in bloom be my lips
their scent be my blood
the wind be my breath
clouds be my mood
children's laughter be my hope
widows' sighs be my conscience
a stranger's prayers be my delight
the bees be my wisdom
the trees be my strength
my patience reach to the stars
me be always remembered in your prayers
I wrote this maybe 10/11 years ago with my big daughter squeezed
into my Star Trek style chair I had back then. Maybe I should write a
Science Fiction piece, now there's an idea when the pain abates
and this is where I'd like to live if I were rich, any rich people out there?
Buy it and I'll be your unwelcome guest, ha ha ha

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