Wednesday, 29 July 2020

Good morning Italy and Saudi

well I hope you are all well today

Italy probably heard from Don  Camillo that I was a good writer

so they are reading me, I have read all his stuff several times

Chapter 7 is called For Your Penance,

 in The Butcher The Baker  and The Undertaker

you'll even find it in Italian over on Wordpress

or even here on Blogger

so if you are priest reading me, forgive me

Forgiveness or Mercy is what we do not deserve

You can discuss that with your Saudi friends

I've updated my screen today, I was using a ten year old one

so I've spoilt myself with something newer

spoil myself before I die, because nobody else will

No, I'm still not planning on dying soon

I still pray for the Big Grace etc

But sometimes...

Anyway I've also cleared up my desk and have a new sitting position because

my screen is lower, so I've returned  to keyboard on lap look

we sit on our mother's lap and are breast fed

when we grow up, we still enjoy the breast

but it's our wives' or lovers and too much of that

leads to babies at the breast and the circle is repeated

and we are ousted from our favourite position

Life is all about positions

In queues for food

In order of seniority

In the order we reach the grave

In order of recognition

Before or after the grave

Society is different

Italy or Saudi

different but similar

Faith and Family and Love of Children

So whatever your position

just come back and read me some day

In the meantime just Pray

Any which way

it won't improve my writing

but it may make it more palatable

Stay happy wherever you are and come back soon

as Anastacia sings Don't Stop Doing it Baby behind me

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...