Tuesday, 21 July 2020

in the morning I may finish the sounds piece

in the morning I may finish the sounds piece

but I only have myself as the master/teacher

so there you go

had a clear out and my brother will have some of my old junk

let's see if it keeps him quiet

what else, Equaliser 2 was only worth a grudging 7

the first film was far better

I did in fact save the original TV Equaliser's Life

yes really, Edward Woodward was about to be hung in a play

at the Birmingham Rep 20 plus years ago

The house lights went Up

Will nobody shout reprieve they asked

I shouted  REPRIEVE

Then a 2nd voice shouted Hang The Bugger

Edward was not pleased by that

that's a very old memory for you

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and t.co came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...