Friday, 3 July 2020

USA reader with Australia and Taiwan too reading me from Birmingham England

USA reader with Australia and  Taiwan too reading me

 from Birmingham England

I was checking my figures, naked and in front of a shop window down the road

after everybody laughed and puked I skipped merrily home

to check my reading figures, it figures

they are MY figures, NOT the T word's made up figures

go figure it out for yourself, use a pencil

or log tables if really bad

Now if you understand all that you must be my brother

or a really really Anglophile person, BBC Radio rules ok

Though there is a new Times radio, maybe they give me a job

The BBC once banned a story of mine for soliciting money

The "tag line" line in a joke was "just send me 10 dollars"


it was from 2009 and earlier, the old file I have says 2009

but it could be a lot older

so you can suffer that today if you can find it

but before I go my USA reader read a piece about pain, and then

hey presto, ironically the pain monster descended

so I stink of Movelat gel on my left shoulder

I had to stop making you suffer, to stop me suffering

it took 30 mins for me to get back to this

Over in Taiwan a reader is reading, it may be Ann an old friend

with great dirty laugh, she'll send a slap it she reads this

or it could be a Taiwan beauty who has fallen in love with me

and all my scars, so she comes to Birmingham to find me

we have 4 kids together and form a Kpop band

and I live 40 more years....

God is smiling now, he knows that won't happen

and all the pain tells me too

but God is good and maybe all  I need is the help of 2 Policemen

nothing is  impossible to God....

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...