Thursday, 9 July 2020

the downloads continue

well I had to lie down the pain was too much

so I've returned to check you all out

my dad was gay and my mother was a lesbian

I got your attention there

today would have been my parents 71st Wedding Anniversary

Dad slept with his brother and Mum with her sister on the Wedding Day

as dad's brother was up from London

ok, all explained now

I am a gay dad

No not sexually gay, I can only look at women

mainly Oriental, the wife was a Shanghai girl

gay dad means KNOWING FASHION

NOT for myself but for my daughters

ok, all explained now

Over on Wordpress 1200 or so downloads by the 3rd day

300 and Not OUT is going great guns

Theresa May must have recommended it

Many other Translations over on Wordpress

so I can pollute all your minds

Don't forget to invest in UK

home to The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

my dad would be saying exactly the same too

"a great little country" is a direct quote from my  dad

I read the piece from the previous post and it made me cry

I'd forgotten all about it

after 2000 stories and 2890+ pieces in total

I cannot remember everything

And what did you do in your life?

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...