Friday, 10 July 2020

Finding a Path

Finding a Path ©
Michael Casey

Now, as I drink my tea I’m thinking which way to go, back to the kitchen for a biscuit, if my vultures have left any, or have I just misdirected you? I’m talking about which way to go with this piece, hence the title, it’s a great unknown. Though Unknown Region is reading my rubbish again over my 3 Blogger sites, maybe he’s looking for biscuits, though my writing is really little sweets to be enjoyed and forgotten, ok I hope you remember them.

In Life we find a path, ok we stumble into something, I stumbled into Computers back in 1978, I listened to my eldest brother and tried computers, the words IT had not been invented then. I was a happy paper carrier for decades, I did bulk printing. I even printed my own payslip when I was at SMBC, though they’ll not remember me. I stumbled into Hotels, and was a natural at it, though it was a very steep learning curve and it was the hardest work I ever did, but also the most fun. It’s talking basically, with lots of carrying, ten roles and more on an almost daily basis.

Writing I stumbled into too, and I’m sure you’re saying I just wish he didn’t, but I’ll ignore Dan Brown, at least I’m a better writer, money does not denote writing skill by the way. Nor standing at the front of the Temple piety, I’m hiding at the back with the widows. I can hear the sound of wincing there, prick me and do I not bleed, but Will has to go on his paper round now, delivering Folios.

So how did you find your path? Silence. I am a self-made man. He forgets the $400million, but I’ll leave the T word out of this story. The rest of the world just thinks he’s a bully, and if you all get off the couch he’ll be out. But back to the plot, just how did you find your path. Did you have to hack through the jungle, have a Brazilian to find your talent? Now you may be smiling at the idea, or you just Googled it. You may have become a beautician because you had loads of sisters and had the steadiest hand. Ang you should become a beautician, so the sisterhood all chipped in and you had a room above a chip shop. Ang’s Beautifier above the Chip Shop, obvious it was a great hit.  Ang later went on to marry the chip shop owner’s son Raj. Ten years later you are both multimillionaires, though jealous people forget the 16 hours a day you both worked. Jealousy is a really terrible thing.

Silly ideas, or dares lead you this way or that. You became a mechanic because you enjoyed fixing things, and you get to take cars for a spin after you fix them. This leads to that, so Raj has a few cars now, so you fix them for him and for his friends who have all worked so hard and became rich. So, you are the mechanic to Chip Shop and Beauty Parlour Gentry, people might scoff and scoffing coloured chips had helped build fortunes. And nail bars lead to nice life, if 16 hours a day doesn’t get in the way. Ang has a friend called Rita, and it was very nice to meta, she’s a tomboy who likes cars. So, there you go, a perfect partner for you. So, you take fancy cars for a spin when you’ve fixed them, obviously you have to test the suspension and the tension, on the back seat with Rita, who yes is a meter maid like in the song. So, nothing goes wrong.

We take a path because we like it, or because there is no other path, or we just haven’t a clue what to do. Or it is the least bad option, whatever way you go just be happy. Don’t resent this or that. I should have could have been a History teacher, or Journalist, I don’t regret what could have been. You have to go with the flow, beaver away, and block the river to change direction. Or events might force you to go another way. But there always is another way, even if it’s reading because you have no money to go anywhere. The greatest path and journey is the Inner Journey, too many people never look inside.

Imagine a fridge with just 2 eggs left, before mum brings home the shopping, our shopper has just arrived right now as I speak. What do you say? There’s nothing to eat? If you do then you really do need to kick yourself up the backside. Two eggs equal, 2 hard boiled eggs, scrambled egg, poached egg, scrambled egg in a microwave, or in a saucepan or frying pan, each gives a different taste. If you have ½ a tin of beans, you can mix it all together, or have it on the side. If there are 2 slices of almost stale bread then you can Toast that, have you not see Heidi. You could fry the bread or you could dip the bread in the egg and have French toast. This is all very simple, so instead of saying there is nothing to eat, use your imagination.

Don’t say there is no way, in life in anything, with the Help of God and Two Policemen as my mother used to say there is always a way. Water finds its own level, and so can you. I really am the Lowest Common Denominator, so if I can write over 1000 words just now, and 1,624,000 or so, all off the cuff, why cannot you? He’s just a fat guy, he looks like a lazy security guard. Have faith in yourself and in your ability, and even if you never get what you want, never let it kill your spirit. I heard of a Missionary who had lepers without limbs attending Mass, but still their eyes were sparkling with love and life. How hard is your life compared to theirs, or even mine? If you have your Health, then you have the greatest Wealth of all. Find a Path in your heart and mind, and then you’ll never fear tomorrow. Today we remember The Battle of Britain as Dame Vera Lynn is buried, so look to the Skies and not to your feet, and never never never surrender. Just Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry as Padre Pio said.

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...