Wednesday, 8 July 2020

Good Morning Saudi post 2888 here

Good Morning Saudi

I spotted you reading the Arabic Translation of

300 and Not Out over on Wordpress where all the Translations live

with pdf available in Arabic too

See I make everybody suffer

But I really do thank you, so spread the word

and yes that's me and my snowman in the photo with the piece

Meanwhile 410 copies of the English have downloaded over night

I posted 300 and Not OUT with a pdf and asked Theresa May

would she could she review it

while Donald reviewed The Final Cut of the 19th Hole

over on my Wordpress

so Theresa and her cricket club must all be reading it

Though it is not about cricket

It might be the funniest of the more family centric pieces form 2012

It made a commissioning editor laugh

Close but not cigar

any road up, as Kenny used to say

Have a nice day and I have a comedy band piece

with Putin/Trump/The Pope and Theresa May in it

you can find it easily, I  recently reposted it

Theresa was still PM then

Now go about your business with your mask on

I may go back to bed and if you are good

there may be a new story

I have no clue what it will be, just be good

or I'll slap your legs with a wet lettuce as Larry Grayson

taught me, so you have been warned

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...