Wednesday, 1 August 2018

still tired

still tired, but otherwise happy, it's very busy in our house. I looked at the calendar to my right and remembered that Puck Fair is on in Kerry, 10th 11th 12th  of this month, Augut. Its in Killorglin a village up the road from my mother's hamlet Cromane Lower. You can google and walk on the beach next to where my mum was born nearly 100 years ago. Its is really pretty.IF you have the time and resources then you could rush to Kerry for Puck Fair.
There are a couple of great 5 star hotels in Killarney, and at the other end of the scale White Bridge Caravan park used to be run by the Fleming family, so you could stay with them. They were great friends of my Aunty Delia.

If you are at the rich end of the scale I'd force myself to come along for the ride, so long as you don't strap me to the roof rack, as Lech, Boris and Gregorgi did in one story of mine. And yes I'd need the 5 star what with all my needs. I did in actual fact stop in a 5 star, our car broke down so our Boston cop cousin let me sleep on the floor while my sister had the spare bed. Then he left early in the morning to go to Shannon to pick up more family.  Then as breakfast was delivered a glass was broke and when we "sneaked" out the Reception stopped us and asked why we were in the room. Our cousin only ws due to stay one night to get over jet lag etc.

That must be 25 plus years ago. He works in the headquarters in Boston.

Yes for family things I have almost Total Recall, that's what you all get when I write, I'm squeezing my memory dry. If you asked me to remember anything serious then I could not, if it does not interest me I cannot do it. I have a good brain, but only for trivia, otherwise I'd be far far richer, instead of being the fat silver haired writer in shades, who has no money just millions in memory.

I'll see  if I can write a proper piece later on, but there are 500 stories on this site and on other sites too. My wordpress site has many translations, and there is auto translate if you just press the button.

I need to eat now, Barry is sharing lunch with me today, he's looking slimmer, I am 240+ pounds myself, by Barry I mean Barry White, he's sung he's found what the  world is searching for, I just hope I find something in the fridge. Otherwise I'll be sending Barry out to the shops.

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