Sunday, 19 August 2018

Don't Ask, Don't Tell

Don't ask, Don't tell, now that could be something about gays in the services in the USA. But I'm not going to talk about that in this quick chat. Frankly eye colour has greater relevance than who do you you sleep with, it's all so very boring. See Little Britain on Utube, and the Only Gay in the Village character for clarification and much laughter.

No, I'm going to say at my age, with my health problems, I abhor the word "issues" it's PR speak and don't we all want to scream LIARS, that I won't waste my time on good days polishing my stuff to reach perfection. 95% is good enough for me. I'd rather write another million words than just one page that glitters, which most people will ignore or pass over. If you want something that does glitter then hunt down my poetry.

So Editing and Polishing services are not required, especially as I write for radio, for other people's ears. Quality v Quantity is a boring statement too, especially when all you want is your pain killers and to be able to sleep. So I'll not waste my life on such people. What you see is what you get, and you get an 18 stone writer, I put weight on over the cold winter as it was too dangerous to go outside.

If you cannot write, just Edit. Which brings me to this morning's piece Dominus Vobiscum. Those words entered my mind this morning and I said to myself where did they come from? And it led to what I put on the page. The joy of writing, of talking to you all, even if it's just 36 people in 36 different countries, is that I don't know where the words will take me. It's like playing Jumambi, I don't know what will happen, I just know in the end I have SatNav to the bottom of the page. I hope I make you laugh or smile and occasionally think. Wisdom from a Fool if you like, an old fool now.

So as it is Sunday, and if you are a priest reading this or any boss, what is the reason for your words? The reason for your words is to explain and clarify. If you don't do it right and it's Health and Safety then somebody might die. Spelling and Punctuation are great but the Message is the most important thing, The Story if you like. As for priests, I've seen loads in my life and now via Mass on the Internet

I've seen many good speakers. So my message to priests is simple, if you are getting in the way of HIS message you should be humble enough to change. It is not the priests' weekly chance to do his standup routine. Less is more, and didn't somebody speak in parables. If you imitate HIM then you cannot go far wrong. Just Edit yourself out of the Message and let the Word speak.

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