Monday, 13 August 2018

A new Metaphor

A new Metaphor

as you know Fr. Brain the hospital chaplain called me Sancho Panza, 50 years ago. As I was forever trailing after my taller brother when we arrived to say mass as altar boys. He went on to become a Bishop. I became the fat silver haired writer in shades, still undiscovered.

So as I am Sancho Panza I ride a donkey, a burro.

But as I have so much regular pain, it feels like I've been kicked by a donkey, or I am carrying a donkey instead of riding on it. So just for "fun" maybe I should say I'm "carrying the donkey today" much more poetic than PAIN DAY.

So if you see Carrying the Donkey in my writing in future it does not mean I'm doing an Iron Man endurance thing. It'll mean the pain monster is in town.

It'll confuse scholars in the future, what exactly did Michael Casey mean by carrying the donkey? What is of a sexual innuendo? Was he doing an Iron Man event? Was it something to do with Mexico and the sweets in the donkey that you hit? How much fun will we have as they Pontificate about Carrying the Donkey.

so I'll shut up for now and have a shower, at least you cannot smell me.

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