Thursday, 23 August 2018

gentle helping

gentle helping

Gentle Helping ©
Michael Casey
As you know I’m an Altruist, which isn’t anything to do with climbing mountains or any altitudes, though it is about helping others reach the heights. A dad will put his toddler on his shoulders so that the child can feel 6 feet tall, this allows the child to feel just as tall as dad and gives the child a great view. So if you like that is what I do, I am just a pair of shoulders. As I write this suddenly and unexpectedly I tear up as the Americans say. This is my dad I’m talking about and I am just a pale reflection of him.
So that’s why I am the way I am, I am my father’s son, and that is all I ever want to be. Anything else is 2nd rate compared to that. I can feel the story shifting as I type as I talk, such power overwhelms me, just the memory of Love. When I wrote Big Sid the butcher, HE was just a character on the page, a simple man who loved children and was a butcher. When I finished writing The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker I realised the Love inside the character was my own dad. It was in me, so it was in him, or as my dad would say it’s in the breed. If you meet the Casey Clan in Kerry my dad’s words ring out, it’s in the breed. The Love and Family is there  just as Blackpool is in the middle of a stick of rock.
Now how does anybody help? They show, they encourage, they shout, but through it all there is love. You might be so shy you would die rather than ask a girl out. Then your bear of a friend will push you into her arms literally, or your sister will ask you both to help with the washing up. And that bottle of Fairy should be invited to your wedding. Small little things can change lives, picking up a magazine on a train, or overhearing a few stray words of conversation.
We do of course have talent shows, and some are good and some are bad, and some are dire. We had the Hairy Angel from Scotland who became an international star, but then we also had boring people who wanted so much more than their 15 mins of fame as Andy Wahol predicted we’d all have. So the thing is, how should people be helped, and should you make it compulsory. We have diversity this and diversity that, and even I must know what your Social Class is. The only question that should be asked  is do you have any class at all. You have or you haven’t got style as sung in Robin and the 7 hoods
I am not interested if you are gay or straight, it really is boring if all you can talk about is who you sleep with. I don’t care if you sleep with a donkey, actually only Catherine the great from Russia did something like that allegedly. I don’t care if you are fatter than me, or as thin as a rake, or any colour found in a rainbow. I just don’t want to be bored by where you came from it’s where you are going that matters.
Gentle helping everybody, loving their neighbour as thyself is the thing, though Barry would take that literally and learn how to escape over rooftops, need I say more. Yes, give everybody a chance, but please please please NO POLITICS PLEASE, Class Warfare should be left in the dustbin of history. There are too many personality cults following “leaders” the world over, when really we should all stand up and proclaim that the Emperor has no clothes.
Laugh and mock their stupid ideas, let’s get back to what is the base for everything. Your mum and dad, even if mum and dad are somebody who you’d prefer really were your mum and dad. We don’t need corrupt people telling us they are so great for us, what’s happening in Trump’s America beggars belief, a thief has stolen the presidency. Over here in UK, we have 3rd rate light weights telling us all we MUST do this and we must do that.
What we need is common sense, which is of far greater value than  lots of university degrees, common sense and a guiding hand. In my 3 years at CPNEC Birmingham hotel I was lucky because I had Phil on Security as well as the lads Roger and Jim to help me along until I could fly, and in a 4 star deluxe hotel you do fly around. Taz the security manager also made sure I did the job, till he could trust me. It really was a very steep learning curve, but once I was in the groove I excelled, and did 10 different roles simultaneously.  So maybe in this life all we need is a family, one where we live, and one where we work, and then because it was OUR hotel people loved to come back. Why because they felt at home there. And that was because we all helped each other climb on each other’s shoulders.

Image result for image of crowne plaza nec

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