Sunday, 12 August 2018

Star Wars I may write something linked to that later or tomorrow

Star Wars, I may write something linked to that later or tomorrow
I just caught  bit of it on tv and it got me thinking
but not in a positive way.
I prefer to stay positive or realistic which some confuse with negative when it is not.

so Star Wars may be my next target

the pain monster hasn't been too bad today

here's something from the vaults to keep you going


Tears for a Butcher (c) by Michael Casey

copyrighted ideas for book

Ideas for my 2nd novel Tears for a Butcher

1.finale big sid shot n , prof plus visiting prof
2. Chinese billionaire plus british aristocrat
3.kung fu in helicopter , priest in jet fly back from shanfhai for revenge
4,fill office with rice floor to ceiling
5.old peoples home taken over see revolution play
6.builder mp jones has affair with lesbian , save a young pc from a pasting
7.mathew has his home stolen from him , so they break in and steal back the deeds
8 mother in law curses like a whore when her grandchild is held during seige along with mrs Murphy the other grandma
9.percy lands one on the chin of the arrogant journalist who says sid was a fool news shows it live and the cursing whore , sid is a hero , the whole country is behind him
11.smiling paul save the billionaire from losing face , hence the 100000 reward displayed in the aquarium , while they eat the fish , the aristocrat refuses the check so the cash ends up in the boot of the mps car , it will go to wards the childrens home sid was collectiong for . The mp refuses to say where the cash comes from , he’s held over night until a phone call to the pm , on his personal mobile , all is cleared up , but not explained to the public/newspaper who continue to think it stinks , corruption etc , the mp and the lesbian seen having lunch , he wants to screw the EU so they’ll match charity contributions , some obscure law . The French slag off Sid by belitting him . On the eve of a French England rugby match .
So 1 is done , 2 is done with mathew , 3 is done with old peoples home , the finale is set , with newspapers sued and made to help build the extension , the mp was accused of not declaring income , in fact he gave it to charity , he just did not want to get fat , so he mixed concrete for a few hours on any building site he could find close to parliament .
So ½ the book is ready , a big chase scene for finales around bham city centre , gays and Chinese to the rescue
 Earlier priest says mass in the gay bar and blesses everybody, after he and the billionaires son have saved the gay  Shanghai owner from a pasting by 12 louts.
All I have to do now is find the time to write it

Finale ideas
Migs pick up SJ and fly him to PVG
Playboy jumps to helicopter and he goes to PVG
4 passports ink still wet awaits SJ at LHR
rots escape. Playboy kicks one
SJ shouts at other , old tribal magic

SJ uses same magic on prisoner in winson green
He may never escape, great train robbery reference
But a priest can get in.
Old folk guard the bandits as they are picked off one by one.
Pansy and daisy are the friendly rots from a butcher, bandits try to
Escape but pansy and daisy , not oaps, but rots.
Cursing through the alphabet by the english grannie.
Then she joins scrabble team, and beats the frencH

some of these are from 2003 

so all I need is that speed typist, or Spielberg and come and sit with me

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