Saturday, 18 August 2018

Battered Husband 30 years ago


 something from 30years ago

                         Battered  Husband  ©


                          Michael   Casey


A  fat man comes down the steps from an airport lounge  ,  he is carrying
bags , a young very attractive woman is with him . The woman is carrying a
small vanity case , while he struggles with the bags . They make there way
to the long stay car park .

Henry:The car's over here somewhere .

He waves his hand , by his voice we know he hasn't a clue .

Tracy:What colour did you say it was ?
Henry:Blue , sky blue - an estate .

After much searching they find the estate car .

Tracy:More like in a state than an estate car to me .
Henry:It's  just the weather here ,  it has been parked for 3 weeks  after
      all .
Tracy:I suppose so . (Grudgingly said)

Tracy  waits while he fumbles for the keys and tries juggling the  luggage
as he searches his pockets .

Tracy:It might help if you put the luggage down .
Henry:Oh .

Henry  puts  the cases down ,  one belonging to Tracy with a  "Las  Vegas"
sticker on is put in a large puddle .

Tracy:Look out don't be so stupid , that's my best case and all .

Tracy  grabs  the case and rests it on the bonnet .  Meanwhile  Henry  has
found  the key but his hand is wedged in his pocket .  After watching  him
struggle  for a while Tracy helps .  She holds the outside of  the  pocket
down while he pulls the key out . The pocket is torn by his efforts .

Henry:Oh , never mind you can always sew it for me .
Tracy:You must be joking , I don't sew , I always got a friend to do mine
Henry:Oh , I didn't know that .
Tracy:We'll  find  out about each other in time ,  after all  that's  what
      marriage is for .
Henry:And one or two other things .     (He smirks)
Tracy:Pardon ?
Henry:Yes , my Twinky Pinky .

Tracy  is  annoyed by this and looks around to see if he has  been  heard
before she hisses a reply while giving him a laser look .

Tracy:That's our private , special words , NOT to be used in a car park .
Henry:Sorry .

Henry  opens the boot  , loads all the luggage before opening the  drivers
door . Then he leans across to let her in . Reluctantly Tracy gets in .

Tracy:IF  you were a gentleman you'd have let me in first ,  then put  the
      luggage  in  ,  or at least held the door open for  me  .  Your  an
      uncivilise animal you are .
Henry:You  said  it was the animal in me that you liked ,  the  first  two
      nights before we decided to get married .

Tracy  is stunned by this remark then is about to reply when  Henry  pulls
off , forcing her into the back of her seat .

We watch as they drive off .   (FADEOUT)

We next see them driving through a nice suburb , Tracy perks up .

Tracy:So you live around here ? (EXCITED)
Henry:Yes .
Tracy:They are all very nice houses ,  is yours - I mean ours , is it like
      that one ?

Tracy points out an absolute mansion , Henry gulps .

Henry:Well er , you will have to wait and see .
Tracy:Go on tell me now .
Henry:No , you'll enjoy the surprise more if you wait .
Tracy:You tease .
Henry:If I remember right you said you liked being teased .

Tracy  blushes  ,  for  the rest of the journey she points  out  houses  ,
waiting  for his reaction .  Gradually the houses are less grand but still
nice ,  finally they are in a lower middle class area .  They turn into  a
pretty side road , Tracy is downhearted but at least the houses look nice .

Tracy:Well at least this is a nice cul de sac .

Tracy looks around trying to guess which is her new home .

Tracy:Oh look at that funny little house at the end .

Henry gulps , she does not notice , he  drives up the drive .

Tracy:But , but you said you had a nice house . You said you were a man of
      property .
Henry:But I am , please don't cry , everthing will be ok , just trust me .
Tracy:But you said it was .

Tracy starts to cry .

Henry:You were crying when we first met ,  after the oil millionaire  left
      you .
Tracy:But you promised .

Henry stops the engine .

Henry:Can you open the garage doors for me ,  then we'll go in and have  a
      nice cup of tea , you'll be ok then .
Tracy:You'll explain everything then ?
Henry:Promise . Then we can go to bed .
Tracy:But its only 2pm .
Henry:To sleep off the jet lag .

Henry  passes her the keys and she gets out .  Opening the garage doors  a
pile  of  "Sold"  and  "For Sale" signs fall out  .  Tracy  looks  at  him
accusingly .

Henry:Its for my work .
Tracy:What exactly do you do in property ?
Henry:Well I er , lets get inside first , its cold out here after Vegas .
Tracy:What are all these signs doing here ?
Henry:They are for my work .
Tracy:What kind of work ?
Henry:Property work .
Tracy:What do you do with them ?
Henry:I put them up , and I take them down .
Tracy:So you're a sign man .
Henry:A property sign man .
Tracy:Is that all you do .
Henry:Well property is my main concern .
Tracy:So you don't have an office or your own company .
Henry:I am self employed .
Tracy:A sign man .

Tracy moves out of the garage and trips on a "Sold" sign  , Henry gets out
of the car to help her . She struggles up , and throws the sign at him .

Tracy:I've laddered my stocking now .

Tracy hitches her dress to reveal her leg ,  Henry oggles her . Tracy sees
this so drops the dress and marches off and lets herself into the house .
Henry starts to move the boards out of the way when there is a loud scream
from inside , he drops the boards in shock .


We next see them in the kitchen ,  Tracy has been crying her face is  tear
stained . Cups of tea are in front of them .

Henry:Here have a biscuit they are your favourite .

Tracy reluctantly takes one , but spits it out straight into Henry's face

Tracy:It's stale .

She looks around the kitchen then starts to cry again .  The kitchen is in
a  real state ,  with paper peeling and washing up still in the sink  from
before Henry went on holidays .

Henry:They cann't be that bad .

Henry tries the biscuits  , he quite likes them , so he eats several .

Tracy:Look at the place though ,  you said it was beautiful ,  you said it
      was like a palace .
Henry:Well it is .

Henry looks around then realises that she is right .

Henry:Well it used to be when I used to visit my aunt here .
Tracy:How long ago is that ?
Henry:Not long .

Tracy  stares  at him though her tears .  After a long  pause  he  finally
decides to tell the truth .

Henry:When I was a teenager .

Tracy's tears flow again .

Henry:But  I've been only been here a while I haven't had time to do  the
      place up , I do work hard you know I don't have time to fix it up .

A  ceiling tile comes loose and falls on his head .  Tracy is  cheered  by
this .

Henry:Ok I'll start next week .  It will be fun doing it up  just the  way
      we like it . It will be OUR home , OUR nest .
Tracy:Promise ?
Henry:Promise .

Tracy  wipes  her tears away .  Henry leans across the table to  seal  the
bargain with a kiss ,  only he spills the rest of her cup of tea all  over
her . She jumps up .

Tracy:You idiot , it'll stain my dress , not to mention I could be scarred
      for life . A dancer cann't have stains you know .
Henry:Sorry . Let me wipe it  off .

Henry  grabs a filthy rag from beside the mountain of washing up  and daps
her down .

Tracy:Thank you . (SARCASTICALLY)
Henry:It's alright , show me your leg are you burned ?

Henry starts to lift the dress  , Tracy slaps his face , and storms off to
the bathroom . She shouts over her shoulder .

Tracy:If I want tea thrown over me and you groping me then I'll tell you .
Henry:But I was only trying to help .

We  hear the sound of her steps up the stairs ,  then a pause while  Henry
wrings  out the rag all over the washing up .  Then the bathroom  door  is
slammed  ,  several ceiling tiles fall over Henry's head in  the  kitchen

Henry:She'll get used to it . It will be nice having a little lady around
      to help with the housework , I bet deep down she's a right homemaker

Henry starts to  clear up the washing left from before the hols , he has
filled the bowl and is starting the washing up when there is a loud scream
from upstairs .  He drops a plate in fright , then still clutching the mop
for cleaning cups he storms upstairs .

In  the bathroom Tracy is in the bath ,  she is froze in terror ,  she  is
pointing .  There is a spider crawling around the edge .  Henry sees  this
and gulps as he is afraid of spiders too .

Henry:I'll crush it with this . (HOLDING THE WASHING UP MOP ALOFT)
Tracy:NO , it'll fall into the bath then .
Henry:What shall I do then ?
Tracy:Pick it up and flush it down the loo .
Henry:Crushing would be easier .

Tracy screams ,  the spider has moved . Henry summons all his strength and
half  closing his eyes in terror he grabs the spider and flushes down  the

Henry:There emergency over .
Tracy:Flush it twice , and put some Domestos down .

Henry does as requested . Tracy relaxes now .

Tracy:You are brave aren't you .
Henry:Not really . (HE'S VERY PROUD OF HIMSELF)

Henry stands there not knowing what to do next .  After a moment Tracy  is
back to her normal self .

Tracy:What  are you standing there for don't you have some washing  up  to

Henry looks at the washing up mop in his hand .

Henry:OH yes , your leg is ok ?
Tracy:Yes thanks . (SHE IS HUMAN FOR A SECOND)
Henry:You don't want me to scrub your back?

Henry leaves the bathroom relantly . He stops by the door .

Henry:Is that another spider ?
Henry :Only Joking ,  Well I'll get back to the kitchen unless you want me
       to wash your back ? (HALF HOPING)

Tracy answers by throwing the sponge in his face .  (FADEOUT)

In the kitchen Henry is up a ladder just putting the last new ceiling tile
in position ,  he is over stretched up a ladder .  Tracy comes in  shaking
her hands to dry the nail varnish .

Henry:Look , one decorated kitchen , aren't you proud of me ?

He holds out his hands expansively .  Tracy looks around mildly  impressed

Tracy:You better give that one another push or it'll fall .

She points at one tile .  Henry reaches over to give it another push while
the glue is still tacky . In doing so he over balances and has to stand in
the  sink to save falling .  His leg breaks all the crockery and a  splash
lands on Tracy .

Tracy:Fool  ,  look what you've done you've broken all the crockery  .  My
      mother send it as a wedding present .  And you've ruined my dress ,
      I'll HAVE to have another .

Tracy  wipes the tiny spot with a tea towel ,  only to discover Henry  has
been  using it to wipe the ceiling glue from his hand .  Now the dress  is
really ruined.

Tracy:Oh you idiot ,  look what you've made me do now .  And I think  I've
      broken my best nail .

Tracy  throws  the tea towel in Henry's face ,  he grabs it and  tries  to
throw it back only it sticks to his hand . Tracy storms off , while Henry  
dismounts from the kitchen sink with great effort and much strain to  the
sink  .  Henry looks around at his handwork and is admiring it when  Tracy
reappears .

Henry:Sorry my Twinky Pinky , but you do like the kitchen ?
Tracy:It's great , really great .

Henry moves closer and steals a kiss , Tracy allows him the one kiss .

Tracy:I've  got to go out now - to buy a new dress ,  can you let me  have
      some money ?

Tracy gives him her most seductive look , Henry is smitten .

Henry:My wallet is on  the settee in the living room .
Tracy:Thanks love .

She  gives  him  a lingering kiss before leaving the  kitchen  ,  after  a
moment she returns .

Tracy:Just one more thing love , could you start on the living room next ,
       p l e a s e .

She gives him another kiss , Henry would climb mount Everest now with just
a washing line as a rope such is her persuasive powers .  Tracy pulls away  
from  him  ,  while Henry is still catching his breath the front  door  is
heard being slammed shut . A tile floats down onto Henry's head (FADEOUT)

Henry  is  in  the newly decorated living room  when Tracy  comes  in  she
starts to inspect his work .

Tracy:Not bad , not bad at all . But now it makes the furniture look bad .
Henry:How do you mean ?
Tracy:Well the room looks good ,  very good even but the furniture doesn't
      match . It's like Stepoe's now , the furniture .

Tracy looks around the room from furniture to walls and ceiling ,then back
again .

Henry:It's not that bad ,  besides how do you remember Steptoe ,  have you
      been lying about your age my Twinky Pinky  .
Tracy:I don't need to lie , I'm twenty-four .
Henry:But the furniture is ok .

Henry moves towards Tracy .  and gives her his best "five year old" look ,
hoping she won't make him buy new furniture .

Tracy:I'm sorry but we must have new furniture , after all you do want the
      best for your family .
Henry:Family ! You're not , we're not ?

Henry looks anxious and pleased .

Tracy:Certainly not .  WE won't have a child till I am ready to hang up my
      dancing shoes . I've got another audition soon .

Henry is visibly upset

Henry:Oh ,  but about the furniture can it wait a while ,  I mean money is
      tight .
Tracy:You said you were loaded when I met you .
Henry:Well I was ,  I won the holiday and spending money on the back of  a
      slimming magazine .  I was in the dentist's at the time and it  must
      have been the first time ever the magazines weren't ten years old .
Tracy:Be that as it may , WE must have new furniture .
Henry:But where do I get the money from , do you want me to rob a bank ?

Tracy  is stumpted for a while ,  she looks around the room   ,  then  she
cuddles up to him , getting close for the kill . Henry is pleased that she
is close to him .  Tracy allows him to kiss her , she looks at the room as
they embrace then she pulls away suddenly . Her plan is formed .

Tracy:I've got it !
Henry:Got what !  (SLIGHTLY ALARMED)
Tracy:You are really quite a good decorator .
Tracy:You can go out and decorate in the evenings when you come home . You
      can start on the neighbours then move further afield .
Henry:But I'm not good enough .
Tracy:You'll learn by your mistakes .
Henry:But I'm tired when I come in .
Tracy:So  am I after my dance practices and my jogging and my  squash  and
      all the reading I do .
Henry:But the furnitures ok there's no need for it , you could make covers
      if you really don't like the furniture any more .
Tracy:You are forgetting one thing , I DON'T sew , if you love me you'd do
      it .

Tracy puts on her best sad face , Henry gives in .

Henry:All right then but don't complain if I'm to tired to talk .
Tracy:You're not much of a talker anyway , You don't even read , I've read
      over 100 Barbara Cartland books . You do promise though ?

Tracy looks him in the eye , giving her little girl lost look .

Henry:I promise .

Tracy  kisses  him  and  allows him to  enjoy  himself  ,  he  is  getting
overheated when she pulls away .

Tracy:That can wait till later , you can take me out first .
Henry:Do we have to go out first ? (ALMOST PLEADINGLY)
Tracy:Yes , and I want to be surprised too .
Henry:Alright then .

Henry grabs her by the arm and they leave the living room . (FADEOUT)

We  are  in the living room when there is a sound of a car  pulling  up  ,
doors  banging  and  raised voices .  Tracy storms into  the  living  room
putting  the lights on .  She throws herself into an armchair and sulks  .
Henry enters the room .

Henry:So you didn't like the Bingo ?

Silence  . Henry looks at his shoes and plays with the car keys .

Henry:I thought you'd like it , we could have won some money for the house  
      to buy new furniture with .  Or to save for some rainy day  or  for
      when we have a family .  If only you'd have waited the National Game
      was on in a couple of minutes .

Tracy screams and reaches down beside the armchair and picks up a book and
throws it at him . It hits him a low blow , he snatches at the book and in
his anger is about to throw it back but thinks better of it and puts it in
his coat pocket . WE DO NOT SEE THE TITLE

Henry:Oh please Tracy , talk to me , I am sorry I just didn't think .
Tracy:That's your trouble you don't think .
Henry:I'll start the decorating . (HOPING FOR A GOOD REACTION )

Henry moves closer to where she is sitting .  Tracy is silent for a moment
for a while . Then still with her back from him she speaks .

Tracy:Promise .
Henry:I promise .
Tracy:Good  ,  because  while I was pretending to be at the  loo  at  that
      horrid bingo place ,  I rang Mrs Toomey to say you'd start  on  her
      living room tomorrow evening .
Henry:You sly bitch .
Tracy:If  you're going to swear at me then I'M off to bed and if you  ever
      swear at me again then I'll go back to mother .

Tracy storms off past Henry , he is left standing in the living room alone
,patting his sides in despair he feels a lump  , he remembers the book ,
taking  it out he looks at it ,  it makes him smile so he puts it back  in
Suddenly there is ,a call from upstairs .

Tracy's Voice:Well I thought  you were going to surprise me !

A smiling Henry races out of the living room , the camera stays there  but
we hear Henry .

Henry's Voice:Come to me my "Twinky Pinky"

Then we hear giggling form Tracy . (FADEOUT)

A  paint smattered Henry comes into the kitchen ,  a fistfull of money  in
his hand .

Henry:Mrs Toomey paid me , look .

Tracy looks up from the remains of her meal ,  her eyes widen at the sight
of the money .

Tracy:Great I saw a nice three piece in that new furniture shop in town .

She grabs the money and counts it .

Tracy:Not bad for three evenings work .
Henry:Hard work .
Tracy:Yes  of  course dear "hard work".(SHE IS STILL LOOKING AT THE MONEY)
Henry:Don't I get a kiss .
Tracy:Of course dear .

Tracy pouts but holds her body away , she doesn't want paint all over her.

Tracy:Well this will be the deposit ,  the other œ900 you can pay off over
      a year . It's interest free credit so I know you'll approve .

Henry opens his mouth to say  something but decides better of it .

Henry:Any food my Pinky Winky , I'm famished after all the decorating .
Tracy:Oh  sorry  I thought you'd go down the chippy ,  I  could  cook  you
      something only I'm due at the squash club .  Besides you  could  do
      with losing a bit of weight .
Henry:Do you have go to the squash club couldn't we just have a nice night
      in ? We could cuddle up in front of the fire .
Tracy:We can do that as soon as the new furniture is here . Thanks for the
      money though ; by the way can you start on Mrs Johnson's tomorrow .

Tracy gives him another peck and is off ,  before he can complain .  Henry
heads for the fridge which is almost empty , he finds three fish fingers .

Henry:Looks like fish fingers AGAIN . (FADEOUT)

In the living room the new furniture has arrived .  Tracy looks happy  she
is watching Dallas ,  Henry tries to speak but is hushed till the  credits
role .

Tracy:Yes dear , what were you going to say ? (OFF HANDEDLY)
Henry:Well  , as we have got the new furniture and I'm making a bit  with
      the decorating do you think we should think about children ?
Tracy:I don't know about that , I mean I cann't work while I'm fat .
Henry:But you hardly work as it is , you just practice .
Tracy:I worked in Las Vegas didn't I , who knows what might happen .
Henry:But  you  only stood in for a few weeks when your  friend  was  sick
      while you were out there visiting .
Tracy:You know how to offend me don't you , and after all I done for you .
Henry:I'm sorry .

There is a painful silence , then Henry puts his arm around her .

Henry:Didn't you say we'd have a cuddle in front of the fire once the  new
      furniture was here ?
Tracy:Did I ?

Henry nibbles her ear ,  after a while Tracy responds . As they embrace we
hear Tracy say .

Tracy:Don't leave any marks I've an audition tomorrow . (FADEOUT)

We see Tracy in the kitchen with the ironing board out  , she is ironing a
leotard - badly . Henry comes in covered paint .

Henry:I've never seen you iron before .
Tracy:I don't normally , Mrs Toomey does it I pay her a fiver a week to do
      ours . Only she's out . (PANICY)
Henry:I didn't know that .
Tracy:You don't know everything . (RATTY)
Henry:You having trouble ?
Tracy:Yes , I've got a stand in job at the last moment only I need to iron
      this .
Henry:Can I help you . I've done my own for years - I'm quite good .
Tracy:You ! (SURPRISED)
Henry:Move over and watch an expert .
Tracy:Wait ! You are covered in paint .

Tracy grabs a pinny and sticks it around him  then makes him put on rubber
gloves too .

Tracy:Ok . Do your best , its really important to me .

Henry  irons  like a true natural .  Tracy is amazed and jumps up  like  a
school girl to kiss him .

Tracy:You've saved my life .
Henry:I should iron all the time if I get such praise .

Henry hugs her again ,  Tracy is so relieved that she allows this . Then
looking at the kitchen clock over Henry's shoulder she pulls away .

Tracy:I must dash . See you .
Henry:I'll wait up for you .

Tracy leaves the kitchen clutching the ironed garment . After a moment she
returns .

Tracy:I've just thought ,  if you are so good at ironing its silly to  pay
      somebody ,  I mean it'll save œ250 a year .  Oh don't bother waiting
      up I'll be too tired .

With  that she leaves the kitchen leaving Henry in his rubber  gloves  and
pinny staring at the ironing board . (FADEOUT)

Henry comes running into the house and into the living room where Tracy is
reading a Jackie Collins .  He is fit to burst with his news .  Tracy just
hushes him and carries on reading , hissing at him .

Tracy:Wait a bit I've nearly finished this . You don't know what it's like
      finish a really good book . (SARCASTICALLY)
Henry:Actually I am reading a book , the one you threw at me . (MUMBLES)
Tracy:Oh do shut up I'm trying to concentrate .

After a while she has finished the book and she switches the tv on  .

Henry:As  I  was  about  to  say - I've won some  money  on  the  bingo  .

Tracy appears a little interested .

Henry:œ200 to be exact .
Tracy:Well at least we can use it to buy a new bed .  Ours has one cracked
      leg already .

Tracy holds out her hand for the money ,  so Henry goes over and places it
in  her hand .  She gives him a peck ,  Henry wants more but he is  pushed
away .

Tracy:Cann't you wait till later there's a film on  I want to watch now .
Henry:I suppose I'll have to .
Tracy:You won't like this film its a Fred Astaire one .
Henry:I may as well do the ironing then .
Tracy:Yes do that and don't burn my knickers like you did last week .
Henry:I'll try not to .

Tracy watches the tv as Henry heads off for the ironing . (Fadeout)

The  next day Henry is sitting in his car a sandwich box on the  passenger
seat and a book open over the wheel .

Henry:She never shows her feelings , I think I'm a skivy sometimes .

He reaches into his lunch box and takes out a sandwich under the  sandwich
is a note , so he opens it .

Henry:"You  burnt  my knickers again ,  so buy me some more" (READ ALOUD)
       What  does she except with those ones ,  she does  insist  I  iron
       everything , even her most delicate stuff .

He is about to put the note down when he sees the P.S.

Henry:"P.S.  You can choose the colour as I only wear them for you -  love
       Twinky Pinky"

Henry smiles and puts the note in his shirt pocket next to his heart .

Henry:There are some compensations for being married to her ,  even though
      I am always tired - what with all the decorating and the ironing  .
      It would be nice to have a family though but she says she not  ready
      yet  she just wants to try being a dancer for a few more years yet .

He  finishes  his  sandwich then with a sigh pulls  out  and  drives  away

Henry  is is the living room doing the ironing while watching the  snooker
when Tracy bursts in wearing sports gear.

Tracy:You've got to help me Henry , you've just got to .
Henry:What's up ?
Tracy:I was at the squash club when I had a game with this man ,  only  he
      turned out to be the owner ,  only I didn't know . Well I beat him ,
      then he told me if I could beat him again he'd give me a job .
Henry:But what about your dancing ?
Tracy:I'm getting to old now ,  I mean I'm 25 next month . Besides we need
      the  money if we're going to have a new roof put on the  house  and
      have it rendered .
Henry:What new roof ? I didn't know we were having a new roof .
Tracy:Well we have got to have one and new wiring .  Especially if we have
      a family .
Henry:You mean , you , I mean us , I mean you  , I mean a baby . (EXCITED)
Tracy:Certainly not , I'm not ready for wrinkles yet !
Henry:Oh . But how can I help ?

Tracy looks at her watch then starts to undress , while walking out of the
living room and into the hall with Henry following .

Tracy:We haven't much time , we will have to hurry .

She is trailing her clothes behind her .

Henry:But but but what has  this  ,  us ,  well Twinky Pinky how will this
      get you a job ?
Tracy:By you washing and ironing  while I have a bath .

With  that  we  see  her knickers thrown in Henry's  face  as  she  dashes
upstairs to the bathroom .  Henry picks up the other items of sports  wear
and heads back for the kitchen and his washing machine .  He is stopped in
his tracks by a scream .

Tracy' Voice:Help there's a spider ! (SCREAM)
Henry:Pick it up and flush it twice and don't forget the Domestos .
Tracy's Voice:Help , Help , Help  oh please my Tumble Tum .

Henry's ears prick up on hearing "Tumble Tum"

Henry:Just a moment Twinky Pinky I'll get the new improved domestos .

We view Henry dash from the hall then return with a giant Domestos and the
washing up mop ,then dash up the stairs .There are sounds of battle  with
the  spider  then we hear the voices again ,  all heard while  the  camera
views the hall .

Tracy's voice:Tumble Tum , my hero .
Henry's voice:Twinky Pinky .
Tracy's voice:Tumble Tum you are so brave .

There  is  silence for a moment ,  then an enormous splash  ,  some  water
trickles down the stairs . Then there are giggles . Then silence .

Tracy's voice :This would be much more fun if we had a jacoozi . (FADEOUT)

Henry  comes rushing in all excited ,  he finds Tracy as ever in front  of
the tv watching Dallas , with a Jackie Collins open besides her .

Henry:I've won again , look I've won .

He holds out a wad of notes , he is smiling from ear to ear .

Tracy:Hold on a minute ,  JR is about to win at Blackjack , there he's won
      $50,000 .(SHE POINTS TO THE TV) Now how much did you win ?
Henry:œ500 , look ! (HE WAVES THE MONEY ABOUT ) .
Tracy:Very good dear ,  you better give it to me ,  its just enough for  a
      microwave I saw the other day ,  I'm not saying your cooking is  bad
      but a microwave will help it I'm sure.

Henry  hands over the money ,  Tracy puts it in her book and closes  it  ,
then she resumes her religious observances (ie.Watching Dallas) .  After a
while Dallas ends .

Tracy:Well I better be off to bed then ,  there's nothing any good on  the  
      box  nowadays and I've read enough for today .  (SHE  GETS  UP  AND
      SWITCHES OFF THE TV) Goodnight Henry  ,  and try not to wake me  up
      when you go to bed .
Henry:All right then , I suppose I may as well do some ironing then .

Tracy goes to bed ,  Henry goes and does some ironing .  We time lapse to
show  that he has done a load of ironing (Mainly Tracy's) He has the  book
that Tracy threw at him on the ironing board he reads as he irons. There's
a cry of "Henry , oh Henry I'm bored "  from Tracy upstairs .
Henry goes to the foot of the stairs and shouts

Henry:I thought you were going to sleep .
Tracy's Voice:But I'm not tired enough .
Henry:Try reading a book .
Tracy Voice:Oh Henry . (PLEADINGLY)

Henry  looks to heaven in despair and turns back to go to the  kitchen  to
resume his ironing , but a call stops him in his tracts .

Tracy's Voice:Oh Tumble Tum , Twinky Pinky needs you .
Henry:England expects that every man shall due his duty . (MUMBLES)

Henry races up the stairs .

Henry:Tumble Tum to the rescue .

We next see Henry and Tracy in bed after Tumble Tum has done his duty .
Henry is smiling but in a state of shock ,  Tracy has her back to him  and
is reaching for a book to read .

Tracy:Perhaps I'll finish this book before I go to sleep .

Tracy  starts to read ,Henry is still in a state of shock , after  reading
for  a  while  and  turning over to the next page  Tracy  looks  over  her
shoulder at Henry .

Tracy:Haven't you got something better to do ? Such as the ironing .
Tracy:Aren't you going to finish the ironing ?
Henry:What dear .
Tracy:The ironing . (SHE TURNS OVER TO FACE HIM)
Tracy:Go and finish the ironing !

With that she kicks him out of bed and as he staggers away she resumes her
reading .  We hear Henry croak "I'll just finish the ironing" ,  then from
the view of Tracy still reading we hear a crash as he falls down  stairs .

Henry's Voice:It's ok I'm fine . (FAINT AND IN PAIN)
Tracy:Sush , I'm at the climax now .

With a flourish Tracy closes the book and switches off the bedside lamp ,
in the background we hear Henry moaning (Fadeout)

Henry is in his car with the book across the wheel and his sandwich box on
the passenger seat .

Henry:I won on the bingo again and what does she do ,  she takes the money
      and buys a microwave . (HE IS UPSET)

He has another sandwich before continuing with his "Self Lecturing" .

Henry:I think she takes me for granted , after all I do for her , well I'm
      not going to stand for it any longer ,  I'm going to tell her  that
      I'm the man about the house and its about time she played the  woman
      and did some housework and had some kids .  I'll be drawing my  old
      age pension before she decides she's ready for kids .  Well  things
      have to change and change now .

He  closes  his lunch box defiantly .  Then pulls out sharply  ,  all  the
"sold" signs rattle in the back . In voice over we hear him say .

Henry's Voice:Yes things will change ,but first I'll post my pools coupon  
              I'll have to stop off at the lingerie shop too - I burnt her
              knickers again .   (FADEOUT)

Henry comes running into the house  all happy, Tracy is waiting for him in
the kitchen .

Tracy:What do you think you are playing at ? Look at this mess in here .

Henry has not done the washing up , the ironing is not done either  .

Henry:But , but I can explain I have some great news . I've won some money
Tracy:That's no excuse .  I've off to the squash club now and if this mess
      is not cleared up then they'll be trouble .
Henry:But I've won some money .
Tracy:Good , hand it over then .

She holds out her hand .

Henry:I haven't got it yet ,  but its a lot .  I'll know how much in a few
      days , we can start a family now .
Tracy:Don't be disgusting , I'm not getting all wrinkled up at my age .
Henry:But  Twinky Pinky . (PLEADINGLY)
Tracy:Don't you Twinky Winky me , just tidy up this mess . And if you've
      won so much money then we'll carpet the spare rooms ,  its the  last
      day of the carpet sale tomorrow .  So you can pull up the old carpet
      tonight then we'll get the new one fitted tomorrow .

She walks away in triumph  , Henry is left open-mouthed . Tracy suddenly
turns back  .

Tracy:One other thing , try not to burn my knickers with the iron .
Henry:I'll do my best .(DEFEATED)       (FADEOUT)

Tracy comes back to the house late , she goes into the kitchen for a glass
of milk only to find all her knickers burnt , a iron shape on each .
She is livid .

Tracy:Henry , where are you horribly little fat slob ? (ENRAGED)

She  searches for him but does not find him ,  in a state she does to  the
bathroom and slams the door .  We hear her inside pouring the water for  a
bath then getting in .

Tracy's Voice:I'll ring his neck the idle good for nothing , he'll give me
              blood pressure he will , and after all I've done for him .                                         

Downstairs the front door slams open and Henry , a very pissed Henry comes
in carrying a shoebox .

Tracy's Voice:Is that you Henry , is that you ?
Henry:Yes Twinky Pinky ,  your lover , your husband , your Twinky Pinky is
      home , I bring great gifts for you , I'm rich , I'm so very rich .
Tracy's Voice:You sound so different , so manly , (PAUSE) are you drunk ?                                       
Henry:Yes drunk with your beauty , with your charms , with your love .
Tracy's Voice:If you're drunk then you can sleep on the settee .

Henry climbs the stairs  cradling the shoebox and busts into the bathroom
Tracy screams .

Henry:Behold I bring you a present .
Tracy:I've  got  seventeen pairs of shoes already .  You don't  think  I'm
      going to forgive you for burning my knickers just for a bribe of  a
      pair of shoes . And I bet you haven't pulled the carpet up .
Henry:But these shoes are special .

With that he lunges forward and nearly falls in the bath as he opens the
shoebox . Out pour lots of spiders .

Tracy:NO , NO , PLEASE NO .  
Henry:Don't  you like your present Twinky Winky ,  Tumble Tum spent  hours
      looking for them .

Tracy  has a screaming fit ,  then grabbing a towel she jumps out  of  the
bath  and heads for the bedroom ,  In getting out of the bath  she  knocks
Henry in .  So a drenched Henry follows her along the corridor and hammers
on the bedroom door .

Henry:It's me ,  Tumble Tum Your Lord and Master .  Haven't you got a kiss
      for me , my little Twinky Winky .
Tracy's Voice:Go away you horrid man ,  you burnt all my knickers then you
              frighten me to death with those spiders .
Henry:But  I'll  make amends ,  come I'll pull up the carpet  ,  come  and
      watch .  
Tracy's Voice:Go away you horrid  little fat man , go away .

Henry  is enraged he knocks the door off its hinges and drags her  out  of
bed . He takes her to the spare room .

Henry:Look I'll pull up the carpet .

Henry pulls up the carpet ,  he stands heaving and sweating and  glaring
looking at Tracy .

Henry:Satisfied ? (SHOUTED)
Tracy:You are a silly little fat man ,  I don't want to see you ever again

She turns her back on him and adds over her shoulder .

Tracy:Your treatment of me tonight is possible grounds for divorce .
Henry:Divorce but I'm your husband .

Tracy turns to face him .

Tracy:You are a monster .
Henry:Monster am I , then I'll behave like one .

With that he lunges at her and throws her to the ground . Tracy cowers not
knowing  what he'll do next .  There is an pause for a moment  then  Henry
rushs for her or so it seems .  IN fact what Henry does in roll her up  in
the carpet then carry her downstairs while she is screaming all the time .
Henry then takes her and the carpet out of the house and throws his burden
into a skip that is over the road . Then he goes back inside the house .


We  next  see Henry Watching the TV with the remains of a good meal  on  a
tray besides him .  Henry now sports a moustache ,  there is a book beside
him  ,  he's been reading the same book for ages .  Tracy comes  into  the
living room ,  she is all fawning ,  she clears up his tray .  Then like a
flunky she waits to be allowed to speak .

Henry:Just a moment , I've nearly finished this book .

He closes the book , finished he is very proud of himself .

Henry:What was it Tracy ?
Tracy:Well I've got little Henry back to sleep and I've fed the twins , so
      I was wondering ,  well you know . (SHE PAUSES) . Twinky Winky wants
      her Tumble Tum . (COYLY)
Henry:You have ironed my boxer shorts ?
Tracy:Twinky Winkly has done everything O mighty Tumble Tum .

Henry looks at his watch , before he answers .

Henry:Match of the Day is not on for a bit  so Tumble Tum is the man that
      likes to say YES !
Tracy:Oh Tumble Tum !
Henry:Oh Twinky Winky !

We  pan back from the settee and just see garments being disgarded  ,  and
Henry throws his book away .

Henry:And you said I'd never read a book .
Tracy:And I said I didn't want children .
Henry:I think we should try for 15 then we can have our own rugby team .
Tracy:I'm not having more than 6 .
Henry:Let's try for 15 but only have 6 .
Tracy:You are naughty .
Henry:Naughty but nice .

To the sounds of giggles we pan back ,  we now see the one book Henry  has
managed to read .  It is "Battered Husband" by Michael Casey .  We pan out
further  till we see the outside of the house , there are 3  Rolls outside
the registraations are "Tracy" , "Henry" and "Battered Husband" .
To sounds of Tracy and Henry the credits roll .


                         The End

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...