Saturday, 25 August 2018

25th Aug 2018 night message

25th  Aug 2018 night message

well a busy day today but only at the computer, had to plan some stuff, and search everywhere for it.
The donkey was a pain again today, but things are progressing in other ways. However just by looking at the sky you can see that Autumn is on its way, the quality of the light  and the feel in the air. I hope you all like the changing seasons. I worked in the city centre of Birmingham for 21 years and during my 14 years of nights we always enjoyed watching Dawn over the Blues ground behind us. The quality of light really is a special thing, I hope you all have time to look out the window and enjoy the light. Take a few photos, you can amaze yourself, you could end up with a masterpiece on your wall, or screensaver.

The weather is a free show, a live show, a never ending changing show, lift your eyes and take a few breathes. You don't have to be a countryman, you can live in the city or anywhere, just make time to enjoy nature.

Don't forget the crunch of leaves underfoot when the leaves leap from the trees, its great to stay a kid, enjoy splashing too, weather is an adventure playground, don't forget your wellingtons.

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