Thursday, 16 August 2018

A Message for Donald Trump 16th August 2018



United Kingdom



United States

South Korea
 are some of the nations reading my stories today
i won't make a cent but it does uplift my soul to know people are reading me.
These are the figures Wordpress and Google Blogger
as well as Unknown Region
Now I don't know if Unknown Region is you Donald, but if it is then I thank you too.
Now today folks are all condemning you for condemning them.
We are all so very tired of your bluster and LIES, but you won't change and the daughter of a preacher will stand up and defend The President's LIES, because it is her job. Personally I'd go get another job. If my boss LIES so much, and cannot tell the difference and does not even care about the difference as he BLUSTERS along then I'd take a hike.

The Religious Right as it's called in your country will forgive everything you do, because you are NOT Hillary. And it was wrong for her to run, because it was NOT her "turn". Too many ancient people are in your Senate, 80+ year olds should sit on the porch and write their memoirs and not hold the "youth" back, the under 70s that is. But that's your system.

Now Donald, and it will always be Donald not unless you want to call me Mr Casey all the time, but I am the least of all the Caseys, so let's stick with Michael. Now Donald, a bull in a china shop destroys more than it builds. So Nato could be destroyed by your arrogance. But so long as you save a buck what does it matter to you. FDR did not say this'll cost a lot of bucks fetch me the accountant before he rung Churchill.

Some things have no price Donald, what price do you put on family? Even you. The Price a Soul from last week spoke about it, I never expect you to change and I can see the defiant angry ill tempered response  already. FAKE FAKE FAKE. it is not for me a foreigner to control the USA President, that is up to the American People, they need to get off the couch and vote in November. 

Did all the Trump profits go via a Russian bank to avoid tax? Is it only the Love of Money which will make the USA voters control their President, that would be the utter irony. The Love of Money being the root of all evil, and only then The religious right turning against their man, whom they finally saw as FAKE.

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