Wednesday, 15 August 2018

15th August Feast of Assumption

15th August Feast of Assumption, I know as I get a free religious calendar every year. It  is also Princess Anne's Birthday, she is 68 today.
Her horse cuts our grass for us, and his leftovers help grow both the roses and the rhubrab, just bring your own custard. Rhubrab and Custard was a great cartoon show decades ago.

I'm a bit dazed with pain and may go back to bed, I am carrying the donkey today for sure. the summer seems to have gone away so I can feel the damp in the air.

The Fresh Start option on Windows 10 seems to have done the trick, so thank you Bill, all is forgiven. A new question for you. When I check my readers I am lately getting Unknown Region. Is that because it's that Kangaroo in Australia who has swallowed an iphone and is picking my sites all the  time.

Or is it somebody on the Space Station, is it a criminal or Holy Ghost hitman turned Angel? Is it Donald Trump finally catching up with me now that Barron said you should read this fat guy from Birmingham, the one in England dad.

Is it all of these or none. Or is it yourself, it's a kind of Billionaire fettish, I must suffer Michael Casey to teach me humility. Remember Burt Lancaster in Local Hero was it?

Anyway hello to Russia, India, South Africa just some of today's readers, spread over my sites. Why they don't all stick to one site I just do not know.

Tinnitus is a new thing I'm being hobbled with, that's no fun either, it's as if a witch, or all you readers is casting a spell on me to try and get me to shut up. You are all so cruel, I have a wod for you, or 1,356,308 words. For one kiss under the mistletoe, what does the word actually mean. It's where horses are tied together at their feet so they cannot wander off. A kind of bondage for horses.

That's enough education for now, come back later I may bore you all whatever your region is, know or unknown.

p.s. A BIG THANK YOU TO DC, not DC comics nor DC the Djay, but to DC for looking after my sister for 2 weeks, as in Washington DC she has just landed, to find a dead bird on her doorstep, maybe it was tracking her all the way home

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...