Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Just Stop The Lies

Just Stop The Lies (c)

By Michael Casey

We had a tv interviewer who took no prisoners

Sir Robin Day long ago

and then Jeremy Paxman

Paxman, half his name is Peace, as in Pax

But he took no rubbish

Once famously asking the same question 13 times

Yes 13

Meanwhile in USA

Trump gets away with lies

And interviews which are PR stunts


Trump should be asked and asked and asked again

You can bring Peace in Ukraine in ONE DAY

Prove It



And his usual rubbish should be stopped in its tracks

Trump is just on Auto-Repeat

That is not good enough

The world deserves better answers

And GOP has sold its sold

As they are afraid of the base

So they will do anything to stay in power

Is there not just one good man in the GOP

It seems to me from over here NO

Pence is the one who should be giving it straight

Pence could have been KILLED

But now he's a Sunday School Teacher

Instead of Denouncing Trump for his STUNTS

He's posing badly on a motorbike

Nobody wants to make a Sacrifice to STOP Trump

They are more concerned by their Book appeal

This is totally Surreal

So Happy 77 Birthday Trump today

But I'd say he's been forgiven 77 x 7 times already

Time to LOOK with the BLINKERS OFF

Corrupt and Self Serving and Vindictive

Is that who you want to Represent You

Ask Simple Questions

As you put your Cross on a Ballot

Would Trump die for you

Or would he make all of you  die instead

Carry Crosses and Die for Trump

While he does yet another dodgy deal

To make Money for himself

You were penniless and dying in the street

Would TRUMP bind your wounds

Is Trump a Good Samaritan

Or just a Charlatan 

Who changes colours, just to get your money

And would leave you dead or dying in the mud

Because he only Loves HIMSELF

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