Thursday, 8 June 2023

Eric Trump

So Eric was give front page Opinion Piece in today's Daily Telegraph here in UK

WHY is free advertising allowed?

To market a golf course

Will I get a spot in The NYT

To explain, the bull in a china shop that Trump was

The fact he overcharged Secret Service when they

used his properties to guard him

Fact he lied 30,000 times while President

He can stop Putin's Genocidal War in a day

By giving away other people's land

Would Donald give away Florida or NY

If USA was invaded?

Does he always give away Trump brand stuff

at every Disaster he attends for Photo Opportunities

And yes, look at my TOP SECRET Holiday snaps

with Agents names on the back

I'll leave them lying around for all to see

Its so very good of ME

And on it goes

Pence boasts Sanctimoniously 

I voted for the Constitution

But what has Pence been doing for 3 Years

A nonentity

Riding a Bike

Give me Strength

A Lie is a Lie

and the Donald must be made to say


Not 3 years of lies

What's wrong with the GOP

Giving out Medals to cover up Lies

What's wrong with USA

Is it love of money

As they choke in the smog of Global Warming

Which Trump does not believe in

Or are they just too busy

Putting their balls in holes

And hiding in an Archie Bunker Mentality

Discuss, or put my piece in the NYT


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