Thursday, 1 June 2023

Heads up their own backside

Heads up their own backside

Some People are SO important

Especially when they are not

So as I've got up again after my first session

Not of drinking of Tinnitus

So bad you get up, to avoid being a sitting target

Painkiller Slapped ON

I'm trying a different one as the price went up

the free stuff via my gp not strong enough

and the other one is bad for my GFR 25 kidneys

anyway SLAP IT ON has given me an idea for a

story story not a bullet point like this

i'm typing with one hand now as the pain in my left shoulder is so bad

45 years since i learnt to type at STATSMR hello to Alistaire MacCallum

he was a hooker, a rugby player that is, you americans

he wrote in Cobol, which is Latin for Computers

He had a tremendous moustache, he should have been in Lord of The Rings

So many memories, though if Miss Dangly reads this

The Lodger upstairs and his wife live in my street, yes really

He must think he is cursed

Now Singapore continues to read me

So maybe they read that if they read everything I'll marry them

BUT they must want 4 kids too,

so we could form a Kpop band or a martial arts school


Singapore has just thrown her tablet against a wall

Maybe she is a Pharmacist so she'll still have plenty

I continue to send daily emails of Holy Pictures to Moscow

In the vain attempt they rediscover their soul

In USA they still believe in TRUMP

WHY is beyond me, he is a Liar and Fraud

Yet in their STUPIDITY they would still vote for him

Let's hope The Tsunami of Court Cases

Washes him away

God help us otherwise

AS for Ukraine keep on Praying

All Faiths should

PUTIN is beyond EVIL

Lets hope he does not deliberately

Create a Nuclear Power Plant meltdown

But Dictators Just Don't Care

So its inner circle that will stop him

Et Tu Brute and all that

I just sneezed and my chest hurts now

Remember I have a hernia as big as a baseball

in the middle of my chest

So thanks again, Singapore whoever you are

And the boring people sending dubious invitations

I don't want them, I delete them all unread

as I turn to a new page

I did have another thought

Is a pilot for a high end traveller reading all my rubbish

Listen to Radio 4 or BBC World Service instead

It will change your life

Just as it did mine

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...