Wednesday, 14 October 2020

The Little Flowers


The Little Flowers

The Little Flowers

By Michael Casey

This should be a story but Tinnitus won last night so you’ll get bullet points instead

I was wondering in the night about Trump’s Lies and Covid, and his “miracle”

I thought of poor poor people all over the world suffering

In North Korea, all that money spent on Fear, and Nuclear gear

So what of a beggar in North Korea, or in India, or in poorest Africa

Or in Brazil, and all such places

All they have is their faith or various faces, and grim and dirt all around them

They cannot do anything as the pandemic spreads and kills the spirit and the body

And on it goes, wave after wave

Trump lies and says it will end in a Miracle

He has 10 doctors yet in Court he tries to remove Medical Cover

So on it goes, the madness and the sickness

So in these poor abandoned places, a sigh of despair goes up

But this sigh is a prayer, a Little Flower Prayer

Bring joy and laughter back to us, let me sell flowers at the roadside again

And on the prayers go, in many languages and none.

As the planet dies, and the earth itself sighs, the prayers rise up

From space, our orb floats all alone

But we are not alone

Flowers are so very nice, says a timid little French voice

Flowers show love and hope

If only I could spread flowers everywhere

Little blue flowers in the dirt and desert and even in snow

Some little blue flowers even floating on the sea

The world could see the love that , our daddy has for all of us

Ca c’est magnifique says and even quieter mum’s voice

So flower appear in the heat of the desert and in the snow

Blue flowers appear everywhere from nowhere

They come from the heart of Heaven to the poor on the Earth

First to the poorest and to the meekest and spreading from bottom up

This is the miracle cure, the remedy to all our ills

The ice caps begin to freeze, and hurricanes stop and turn into a gentle breeze

Time is reversing the clock, Eden is being returned

People are shocked and some are in fear, some are not

It’s the end of the world some cry

Others say it’s a new beginning

Only those in the gutter really know

They look up at the stars, a new constellation is forming

In the sky is a warning

This is your last chance

Love one another like sister and brother

I have returned Eden to you

This is your hope

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