Wednesday, 7 October 2020

not quite ready to get back on the horse

 not quite ready to get back on the horse

over on Wordpress South Korea and Indonesia are reading my rubbish

then 6 other languages being download/read

You can just hit TRANSLATE on your PC too

It continues to prove tgo me that my stuff works everywhere

American Samoa popped up again the other day too

maybe the Rock's cleaner, telling him about this Queen's English

or should I Translate that again, my Queen's English

anyway whoever you are thanks for being led down the path by me

side step Tiny Tim amongst the tulips

I'll load another Lech Boris and Gregorgi story later

There's a Zil parked outside, I think Putin wants my autograph

or maybe it's somebody come to read my metre

or take me measure for measure, Will Shakespeare is our local 

tailor by the way, he always breathes on his tape before he takes the

inside leg measurement, Mr Rock

so bye for now but be back soon, as Nick Fenwick used to sing

me, 10 years ago maybe

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