Monday, 19 October 2020

Did you Ever?

 Did you ever?

Is the title to a song

But for a Politician to do no wrong

So as you weigh things up

How many times did you lie

Lie with another woman

Lie to the wife

Lie to the people about Covid

Think you know best

Think you deserve a Nobel

When you are as guilty as Hell

Drive near the cliff many many times

Then demand a reward for not going over

A high and low manager who scares the help

And is of no help to those who need help

It's everybody elses fault but yours

You lie and cheat and never accept any blame

You have no shame, it's all a game to you

But what about people's lives 

They don't matter so long as you come out on top

And how many times have you paid

Never caring about anybody, so long as you have a good ride

So as you balance your decision

Think about this

Would you trust this man over that man

Would you trust a rule bender

A man who could not be honest even if you paid him

A History of Lies

Then think about the other guy, Is he worth a try

Nobody is perfect, it may even be the lesser of 2 evils

But who did what, where and when 

Who repents and will not sin again

Or who thinks God is just a joke, but plays for camera and votes

Who uses faith as a prop, Bible held aloft as tear gas fills the air

This is just a simple question

Who would you bring home to ma and pa

A History of dodging, or a History of trying

Somebody who do the cleaning up after dinner

or somebody who'd steal while you back was turned

Stealing Health Care in the Courts while people sick  with Covid 

You decide, you the People

It is Government by the People for the People

Not screw the people, so long as I have a ride

I can hide in Bunkers, while people die waiting for the Fair Way

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