Monday, 26 October 2020

And Why the Stars?

And Why the Stars? ©

By Michael Casey


And why the stars?

Because we need light in our darkness

When all is dark, there is still some light

When all is dark, there is still some hope

When all is lost, there is still a twinkle

When all is gone, there is a glimmer

When the seas are rough, the curtain is broken

When the sounds are of fury, there is the peace of the night

When smoke drifts by, there is still the hope on high

When mobs shout, the silence of the night beckons

When the tyrant roars, the stars sing hope

When the battle rages, the stars guide us away

When all seems lost, we are guided to fight another day

When there is doubt, look to the stars

When there is confusion, look to the stars

Look up, don’t look down

Stand proud and look to the stars

In the stars we have a light, a hope, a direction

In the stars we have God’s hand, leading  us away

In the stars we can see another way

A  way of hope, a way of trust, a way of charity

Look up to the stars and not to tyrants who think they are gods

In the stars we can see God’s hand, which is charity

Stars to guide us home, across the seas of anger, beyond Humanity

Stars are God smiling, carrying us home


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