Sunday, 11 October 2020

A Kindle full of reading


A Kindle full of reading

This is just a list of my books written that a Publisher can buy up if he is Bananas: These are all the books written by Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham ENGLAND 24-Jul-2020by Michael Casey£7.81Published by michaelgcasey
I’ve updated this today 4th July 2020 I’m Michael Casey from Birmingham England, the fat silver haired writer in shades. Beware of Others with the EXACT SAME NAME, they are not me, and would not want to be me … I’ve done loads of writing, about 1,621,000 Words worth over 33 years now But before I started I LISTENED to BBC Radio 4 for 20 years, from the age of 10 or younger Frank Brown our lodger, went back to County Tyrone and he gifted us his Bush Radio. He’d be nearly 100 now if he is still alive, so say a prayer for him 50 years in love with words, and I still look so dashing. I have a picture in the attic, just like Dorian Gray I’ve also had an interest in Politics for 50 years with my dad heckling the tv and Politicians. I almost immediately had a hit, a play called Shoplife was accepted but not finally produced by a Theatre. The Kenneth More Theatre, so thank them for sparing you all. This was back in 1989 yes, 30 years plus ago, the play was written in 1988. So since then I’m more than good enough, as a writer. Anything else….. I also had other high praise, so I ignore all the nasty negative people who use too much alliteration. I also ignore those who just cannot write. Today’s world has much print, but a page will not refuse ink, as my dad used to say. I tend to write Comedy as I’d rather make you laugh than cry I have written over 2000 short pieces of writing, yes 2000 If you include “chats” 2900 samples, the chats do NOT go into my books when I compile them. My first book ,a full length comedy/drama is The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker it is on Amazon
300 and Not OUT is a collection of short stories for all the family it is on Amazon as well.

Today I’ve put them ALL BACK, so you can really suffer, or enjoy, whatever
I am actually on book 20, I’m writing it right now. Words 2020.
I’ve gone over 1,627,000 words or 8000 pages I’ve just checked
you can read my other stuff at

and moreBuy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

The Final Cut Of The 19th Hole 26-Jan-2020by MICHAEL CASEY£3.82My 19th book altogether, I’ve reached over 1,500,000 + words now. Here you get 200 pages worth or so.
Some surreal stories, and any other stuff as I try and amuse you all. From age 12 to 120, you will laugh, Resistance is Futile. All my books are all Easy Readers to aid learning English as a 2nd Language. But it is my language which I hope you enjoy, being read aloud is the best way to read them. As I write Radio, I write for the ears. I listened to quality speech radio for 20 years before I started to write. Then I began writing over 30 years ago. So that’s 50 years experience, so I’d be no good as an Amsterdam Lady, but I can make you all laugh. And I write mainly for a family audience, as I go cliperty clop on the stairs in my clogs. I write for EVERYBODY, EVERYWHERE. I have readers in over 80 countries no via my websites, and Translations in TEN languages may be read on the same day. Though it may just mean only foreigners like me. Enough, go read this and my other 18 books. I did want Donald Trump to review this. I just pray to God the Pantomime Presidency ends and Integrity and Honour returns. We are all at a Crossroads now….Read moreBuy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

18 New Views 21-May-2019by Michael Casey£3.86Even more comic tales with a few tears thrown in for good measure
22May 2019
Well I was going to write another 20,000 words before launching this, but life is short so here is 210 pages or so just under 80,000 words
My Tinnitus is really tiring as I just cannot get to sleep till Dawn. I suppose God likes the company through the Dark Nights of my Soul. My body aches and Post Quadruple Heart Bypass Pain as well and Arthritis and Ckd make it a hobbled life, I cannot run in all senses of the word. Though I still am a George Clooney lookalike, a 248 pound version, so very appealing, swoon girls and boys. However I can write, and I do get readers in over 60 countries, especially for the Translations I’ve loaded to my site. So as Theresa May is about to get thrown out of the poison chalice that was Brexit I wish her well. She can sit back and read this my 18th book, 18 New Views.
Michael Casey
The fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham EnglandRead moreBuy now

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17 Again 14-Dec-2018by Michael Casey£3.86my 17th book, last of my words written at my old house, with a couple of pieces from the new house.
So its an end of an era, 30 years of writing at my old house, lets hope I can write another 17 books after this.
Mainly humour/comedy with a few serious pieces to make you think
Read moreBuy now

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Sweet Sixteen 12-Jun-2018by Michael Casey£3.86This is my 16th book, Sweet Sixteen. I’ve been writing for over 30 years now, though if you saw my hand writing you’d say it was drunken spiders . I tend to write humour, though I do write serious pieces every now and then. I just go where the wind blows me as I sit at the keyboard and tip toe through the tulips of my memory and imagination. Yes I can throw a pretentious phrase in every now and then just to see if you are all asleep. I write simply because I want everybody to enjoy the words on the page, this is not Latin. I know all about Latin I suffered it at school for 5 years. However it does help your vocabulary, my point being wherever you are in the world, and I have readers in 26 plus counties you should be able to laugh and understand easily. What else can I say, life really is a box of chocolates, so enjoy all the layers that you find in this book, Sweet Sixteen.
Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades, well usually, it prevents eye strain in front of the computer here in Birmingham England.
p.s. I was a computer operator on DEC PDP 1170s back in June 1978, and I haven’t aged a bit since then…Read moreBuy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

15 Down 09-Jan-2018by Michael Casey£3.8615 Down is 93,000 more mainly comic words from the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England. Though to confuse you I’m not wearing shades on this cover, just a double thumbs up. I’ve had 3 years exrtra time now thanks to my Quadruple heart bypass. I write nearly every day, so it’s taken 6 months to write this next collection of short stories. On my website I have readers from 26 different countries, so the humour does travel.If you have a busy life then this book as well as all of the others allows you to have a coffee, other drinks are available, just look in your cupboard, then relax as you laugh. If you don’t laugh, just change your brand of coffee, or switch to green tea, or just drink milk. Thanks for reading this, I just wish you all bought the books, I have teenage daughters and the bill for the shower is enormous. Stay happy and pray for my health, even if you don’t buy the books. Michael Casey or Panzi as my Shanghai wife calls me.Read moreBuy now

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14 Up 14-Jul-2017by Michael Casey£3.86My 14th and maybe best collection of shorter stories, but I say that every time I finish writing a book. I am going to be the next Dr Who, a woman in drag, so I may not have as much time to write as before. So enjoy and read 14 Up, 62,350 words of laughter and pain. mainly laughter though. Michael Casey 15/july/2017Buy now

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New Horizons 28-Mar-2017by Michael Casey£3.86Its 2017 Brexit Day Divorce Day March 29th 2017.
I hope this collection of short stories makes you laugh, nearly 100,000 words, yes that many.
Donald Tusk got a letter today and was a very sad Pole.
However I’ve discover my Polish audience 18,000 plus readers just by word of mouth in a couple of weeks.
SO if they laugh out loud I think we can trust their judgement. So buy this book and all of them.
This book is in English, though I do have 2 books in Polish for my Polish readers.
So laugh out loud all my English readers, and tell Donald to stop crying.Read moreBuy now

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Altogether Now 15-Nov-2016by michael casey£7.72This is the biggest collection of my stories ever. 11 books all squeezed into one, i just hope Amazon can upload it correctly. Its like being in a jammed lift or on the subway. its 3500+ pages or 940,000 words or there abouts. It should make you laughBuy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

Still Smiling 2017 09-Nov-2016by Michael Casey£3.86Even more mainly comic stories from Michael Casey of Birmingham EnglandBuy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

Undiscovered Words 2016 16-May-2016by Michael Casey£3.86More stories from the World of Michael Casey
Most to make you laughBuy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

Still Alive 2015 04-Jul-2015by Michael Casey£3.86This is another collection of short pieces of writing. Funny and thoughtfully, all kinds of everything if you like. 2015 was a tough year, I had an unplanned Triple Heart Bypass operation, so thanks to City Hospital and Queen Elizabeth hospitals for looking after me.Buy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

Quick Stories 14-May-2014by Michael Casey£3.86£14.60This is a 450 page omnibus of mainly humorous stories, containing Shorts 2013 & More Shorts 2014 as well as 20 new short stories. I’ve taken those two books off, this way you get better value. Lots of material. I just hope you all enjoy it. to HEAR me read some shorts.

Other Formats: PaperbackBuy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

More Shorts 2014 01-Jan-2014by Michael Casey£3.86This is another collection of my short stories, perfect for Radio or as an easy reader. Most stories only take 5 to 10 minutes to read. So you can always sneak a read. IF you are learning English as a 2nd language this book is perfect too. to HEAR 127 of my short stories, they can be read from my previous books, such as 300 and Not OUT.

I wrote this myself NO contributersRead moreBuy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

Shorts 2013 02-Jun-2013by Michael Casey£3.8603/June/2013

Well there were a lot of posts on this site so I’ve copied them off and you can read them as
Shorts 2013 by Michael Casey on Amazon Kindle. Best of all you get 1st chapter of Tears for a Butcher included, which will be my next comic novel once I get around to finishing it, AS a bonus too you get Chapter 9 of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker which has my comic slant on Politics. I will be writing more comic shorts on this site, so watch this space. moreBuy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

300 and Not OUT 09-Aug-2012by Michael Casey£2.36£12.00This is a collection of 300 pieces of me, comic writing.
It’s a series of easy pieces of me, easy to digest and will
make you ask for more, just like Oliver. You can tell by the food references
that I’m fat, in fact my Chinese name is Panzi, which means fat fat boy or PIG
I suppose I should say a little about myself, I started writing by accident
back in 1987, I had just reached my life’s ambition, I had a nice house for
myself. So what next, I stumbled into writing, I had been an avid Radio4
listener for 20years, so that meant I had a good start. One year later I knew
how to write, The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker was born. I then
tried my hand at writing a play, Shoplife a comedy about the death of a store
emerged, I wrote it at the time of the Atlanta Olympics. As I write Team GB
have 25Golds, and PM Cameron wishes he could weigh down Nick Clegg
with a few golds and throw him in the Thames. Normal daily politics.
I try and write funny pieces that’ll make you smile, though sometimes there
is a serious piece tucked away inside. I am married now with a Shanghai
wife and 2 bilingual daughters, so I try and make fun by explaining our
Birmingham Adams family life. 300 not out is a collection of my stories from
my soon to be dead site, so immortality beckons via 300 and not Out.
I hope you like this and my other books which are on Amazon Kindle, just look for the fat fat boy or Panzi.
Cheers, Michael Casey 10th August 2012
p.s. and plus are my sites
you can also google “michaelgcasey”Read more

Other Formats: PaperbackBuy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

Essays and Plays 16-Jun-2011by Michael Casey£2.36This is a collection of various Essays and Plays
Including They are Knocking Our Street, a play based on one chapter of
The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker my comedy/drama novel.

I’ve written different kinds of plays and a variety of essays and poetry too. Its a nice book to cuddle up with, either alone or with the one you love.

It’s a good collection, It does not have Shoplife in it, but there’s loads of stuff to read, you should laugh and smile all the way through it.Read moreBuy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

Blogs 2011 16-Jun-2011by Michael Casey£3.86This is a collection of 100 blogs or comic shorts if you want to be posh. I have had some great feed back from folks on several site where I have tested these out. So cuddle up to your kindle and read them aloud to the one you love. If you don’t have anybody just have a nice glass of something and cuddle up to the cat instead, I’m sure the cat will enjoy being read to.Read moreBuy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

Shoplife 16-Jun-2011by Michael Casey£3.86A comedy play about a store, It has been called Sparkling, very real, great fun, hilarious, we could not stop reading it, we hope to produce it.
This is the play that could have changed my life back in the days when I had brown hair, now as you can see I have white hair. It still is very very funny. Gather a few friends with a few Kindle and maybe a share of beer or Dr Pepper then you can have a Kindle reading of my greatest play.
EnjoyRead moreBuy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker 29-Feb-1988by Michael Casey£2.36£15.00The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker is a comedy drama about a street of shops
in Old Forge and Singing Anvil in England . Here’s a flavour
Wayne buys a derelict pub and his wife is pregnant with twins , things could not be worse , Mrs Murphy comes to the rescue with a loan , and 2 sets of twins the builders work for nothing , God looks down and helps too , Wayne discovers a hidden cellar underneath the cellar , its full of 40year old whisky left over from the war WWII , the pub was where the local black marketeer left everything . Wayne and family are saved
The Undertaker has a feud with the traffic warden for putting a parking ticket on his hearse. On the way there’ a Jazz funeral, a teddy bear called Patrick, a dog called hairy Amjit who has a mind of his own. The Undertaker’s son leaves the business and Percy is at a loss, his son returns with a Prodigal Son plea for forgiveness, “Father forgive me, I now know that computers are not for me, there is no love in computers , but in our business there is love and compassion .
The Undertaker tries to blackmail a bent builder who is going to demolish the street of shops where they all live. Peace is restored so the Undertaker becomes the election agent for the builder and takes him on a tour of all the rest homes, so that the builder ends up getting into the Houses of Parliament. The dodge bookie Smiling Paul has a bet on the election and wins 1million pounds. The Undertaker is furious until her hears that Smiling Paul had a road to Damascus experience and gave away all the money to help save the Chinese restaurant business of his Chinese friends. So Smiling Paul becomes a man of honour, and gets a stunning girlfriend on the way, because the Chinese must honour him. .

I finish with a poem from Percy the Undertaker

The Dead and The Living (c)
Michael Casey
I first saw a deceased when I was nine years old, my father said not
to worry as the dead are the same as the living, only the laughter
has left them , the sparkle has gone from their eyes , the worry has
been lifted from their shoulders , and their voice has vanished to
In paradise the sparkle will return for it is the twinkle of the
stars, the laughter will return too for it is the morning breeze and
the turning tides are their sides shaking with laughter.

To Chinese readers, I have a Shanghai wife so if you buy my book we can Visit Shanghai again, see our photo at
My Chinese name is Panzi which means FAT FAT BOY
To European Readers if you like Don Camillo you will love my booksRead more

Other Formats: PaperbackBuy now

Sold by: Amazon Media EU S.à r.l. This title and over 1 million more available with Kindle Unlimited.Read for £0.00

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...