Sunday, 11 October 2020

11th oCT 2020


so it won't end up in 2020Words my latest collection, only the "by Michael Casey"

stuff goes into books. I would rather sit and dictate, I could produce 4 times as much

it would be best use of time, I'll just have to wait for that speed typist

so today as Tinnitus struck last night, I'm not wanting to write a full piece ,

 a "by Michael Casey" piece. I dumped one Kdrama after 2 episodes

 but have found a funnier one, so I'm very happy about that.

Its about a pianist who get dumped at the altar by her future husband, as her own dad had gone bust, so much for arranged marriages. then she buys a flat with cash buy is scammed and loses the lot, a mystery boy saves the day after she crashes her car into him. The actor who was in Its Ok to Be Not Ok, the book agent is also in it, playing a doctor. So I know it will be good. Go watch  Kdramas they are really funny and fast paced, usually, with soaring music, and when the girls cry it really breaks your heart. No wonder I want to marry one, and have 4 more kids and form a Kpop band. Yoona started in Kpop and moved into films. But all of the actresses are funny. What isn't there not to like, and laugh.

My twin delight of Politics is coming to the fore with the USA election, how in God's name a clown called Trump got elected is still unbelievable. And as for Gerrymandering, it's like the notice of earth's demolition being locked away in  a  cupboard on Alpha Centauri  in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe.

When Biden wins, an overhaul is required. VOTING IS FOR EVERYBODY and should be made as easy as possible.

Ok, that's enough for today. there ae over 3000 pieces on this site, 2000 I think are stories, so go read those while watch the news and maybe another Kdrama episode

hotel Achat, Ofenbach 2007 or 2008, one of my fav photos, with my big daughter looking in from outside

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...