Saturday, 10 October 2020

just Browsing


Just Browsing ©

By Michael Casey

 Just Browsing, you remember saying that in the shops when an assistant approached you? Before Online shopping, and credit card fraud and all that. Over here by the way, only the person whose name is on the card can use that  card. So this afternoon, it’s 15.42 right now on 10.10.2020, and the sun has beat the rain it has brightened up now too, right now I’m just browsing and nibbling on the hedges in my mind, like a goat. Thanks to Pat and Pete for doing the gardening too, wonderful neighbours of mine. Pete is actually the guy who wheeled me in for my operation back in Jan 2015, by coincidence he lives right next door. Luckily for me they have garden skills, I do not. When we moved in 2 years ago I recognised him, I told Pat  last time Pete saw me I was naked on a trolley, about to have my heart bypass.


So as you know, goats will eat anything, so I’m just browsing, what shall I alight on next, like a sparrow gingerly pecking, and hoping the local cat won’t strike. So I was thinking about Stress Relief. I’m all for letting everything out, if you keep it inside you will burst. So I can and will curse like a trouper should the need arise. I am father’s son after all, and in a Steel Works the Queen’s English  is replaced with curses loud and clear and simple over the noise from the furnace. So don’t confuse affability with stupidity, and yes I’ve written 20 books, and I will give you a round of *&^^s if you dare to question my intelligence. Clever people swear more, because a dictionary of pointless prose is not good enough in times of danger. In times of danger, beware, go read Scrabble Vendetta too, which will be part of Tears for a Butcher, should my Kpop speed typist ever arrive. And never hide behind pointless poncy words, that hide.


Yes, that’s a theme. But let’s move on, any advice on dislocated thumbs, I managed to hurt my thumb a few weeks ago and it’s still not right. Sliding out of my bed in the middle of the night, at 2 hourly intervals, after Tinnitus has been beaten, I’ve ended up as more of a freak as I am already. Just putting down what some of you may already be thinking. Though in my mind, I wish, I wish, anyway what would you wish of me?


So I switch to and have a look around and see what home I’d buy if the lottery came calling, then the prettiest house becomes my screensaver for a week, or until that house is sold. Somebody bought that house from under me. Thought it’s a flight of fancy, but a flight of fancy is better than just feeling trapped in Covid Lockdown. It seems to me a lot of people don’t have any imagination, I have 1,641,000 words full of imagination. And it costs nothing, just use your IMAGINATION. Derek MacKenna and me used a paper clip as a car and the mortar between the bricks was the road, as the Leprechauns went on a road trip up the wall of Saint Patrick’s school, behind the church and opposite Dudley Rd Hospital, or City as it is now called. This was over 50 years ago, and his mother now in her 90s was at my sister’s funeral a few days ago.  


So on I browse trying to keep happy, and have no regrets, yes, I do things my way, before my own final curtain. Window shop your mind, look at the house’s website and dream just how you’d decorate the house. A virtual dolls house of your mind, or you could play Sims if you can afford such games. Keep  your mind occupied and full,  don’t let the still waters run so deep that they sweep you away. You are the master of the boat that is your own fate, cast the net out again, and there will be more fish. For as our old school motto used to say, there as good fish in the sea that ever came out of it.


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