Monday, 19 October 2020

Read piece in Guardian about BULLYING then my reply


Students from northern England facing 'toxic attitude' at Durham University


I hope to God this is not the Norm.

If you have seen the Boys on Amazon, you’ll have heard Butcher’s use of language

and my own dad a steelworker knew how to swear when needed

as do I . Anybody attempting to put me or mine down would get a NUCLEAR BOMB

of cussing that would make Butcher from the Boys blush

WE ARE ALL GOOD ENOUGH,my mum taught me that as a child

So now over 55 years later, all those who try to S**&& on anybody deserve

a red hot poker put metaphorically up the (((((


p.s. my own inner city brothers went to Oxford and Cambridge by MERIT alone

me, I’m a “failure” with readers in 80 countries and up to 10 Translations of my book

The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker being read on any given day.

Grow up, your attitudes are so TRUMPian, and He’s just a **&&& as Butcher from the

BOYS would say.

Everybody deserves a chance, and TRUMP like bullies have no place ANYWHERE

This is where I come from, where my mother was born, you’d call it a Pigsty

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