Tuesday, 22 March 2022

Today's idea for children off all ages

Today's idea for children off all ages

get some chalk

and draw a big clock that has the hands breaking off

underneath in coloured chalk maybe write

Time is Up for PUTIN

Simple idea

Now where you draw it is up to you


you can go to a Park and spell it out by standing there

Time's Up for PUTIN

Plaster it all over FaceBOOK  and Tic TOK

and all other social media

The Selfie Generation is getting bored with Ukraine Already

BUT remember this

Now is the Time to End PUTIN's reign

or do you want USSR 2.0

And while his army is in Quicksand in Ukraine

Now is the Time to Remove USSR style oppression 

wherever you are and wherever you may be

As there isn't enough army to stop you

Free your  lands today

Russia and Belarus needs FREEDOM

as Putin's time is UP

Then maybe with the help of God and two Policemen

as my Own mother used to say

Russia will disarm, because nobody was ever threatening them

It was a big Lie, honest Pravda

Believe the Fridge not the TV, a fridge never lies

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