For 50 years and more I've followed the NEWS
So today I see a child being abused on Russian tv
Saying its all fake images the Death and Destruction
in Ukraine
This is the Evil of Russian Propaganda Already
This is PUTIN's Russia
Time for Revolution over there
7pm Demonstrate and 2pm at Weekends
Over here in Birmingham England
and everywhere all over the Globe
People cannot believe the depths of Evil
And it all goes back to one thing
The Love of Money being the root of all Evil
Putin and his fellow billionaires
Do you think they really care
About you, and Mother Russia
Where has all money gone
and other places too
I'd rather write amusin stories
But this Evil from Putin is spreading
Just as the killing is spreading
So I repeat
Convoy of Death heading for Kiev
get out
Drop all the weapons of war to the floor
And walk back North where you came from
The Battle is in Mother Russia
Remove Putin
Before he destroys all the World
and as for child abuse on Russian TV
that what PUTINs one view is all about
ONLY Putin counts
Counts all the money stolen from you
You'll be giving FREE GAS
to Ukraine for 100 years to pay for
ALL Putin's Damage
and most of all Pray
There is a Black and White
Lets Pray for the Light
Otherwise in a FLASH
Nobody survives a Nuclear War
So Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry
Say the Rosary or any Prayer any way you Pray wherever you are
Stop the INSANITY of Putin’s War
The Convoy of Death, can stop, drop all the weapons
And just walk away back to the North where they started from
If all the conscripts and Contact say NO
Just Walk away, leave all the weapons of war on the floor
Then Putin’s war is over
Just Stop and Walk away

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