Wednesday, 2 March 2022

Black and White

Black and White

No not a Michael Jackson Album

Today Ash Wednesday 2022 is World Day of Prayer for Peace In Ukraine

If you are in Russia here is the news

Russia is hated everywhere

Because of PUTIN's War

Russians did not want it

Russians do not want it

Russians will never see the bodies come back

Because Putin has a mobile crematorium following behind

7000 Russian dead so far, 1000 a day, because of PUTINs war

Ukrainians, your own cousins are dying and are being bombed

Not photo bombed or selfies

Real BOMBs that flash and band and kill, blood everwhere

Hospitals bombed, everything

Mother Russia wake up

Demonstrate at 7 pm on Weekdays and 2pm on the weekends

Spread the word in Russia, let Putin hear your voice

Putin speaks for his fellow Billionaires who have stolen your money

While Russia's sons are sent to fight, bleed and die in your cousins land

Ukraine is your Cousin so why has Putin sending your brothers to fight, bleed and die

There is a convoy stretching for miles and miles, kilometres and kilometres

It keeps on stopping

It is on the road to Calvary to crucify Jesus again, for that's what this invasion is

Jesus is being crucified again by Putin in Ukraine again and again and again

Russians in that convoy should protest and fight to stop it

Stop the convoy of Death

Russian contract soldiers why are you bring death to Golgotha  again

The Eternal Tragedy, Russian boys sent to bleed and die

For Why

For Putin and his fellow Billionaires

Ask yourself why should I be part of this Genocide

Putin is in his warm bunker far away, his Billionaire super yacht  moved 

out of harms way in Germany

Meanwhile ordinary Russian boys are in. convoy on the way to die

To fight, bleed and die and then be cremated on the battle fields

SO your mum cannot kiss you goodbye before they bury you

No ordinary Russian Private you'll be burnt in a mobile crematorium

And Ukraines might share the same fate to liquidate the leaders

This Ash Wednesday the Russian Military way

This madness must stop

Refuse to die for PUTIN, stop the convoy of death, before you die too

Russian privates, jump off the convoy, and turn away from DEATH

It is Black and White without any Michael Jackson Dancing

Look in the Mirror and Change

Jump off the convoy of Death

Before you lose your very Soul



Turn Back and Change

This is no road to Damascus

This is the road to Kiev

But both are the same, refrain from persecuting UKRAINE

It is not being Yellow to run away from Evil

See the BLUE of the sky, or Freedom

Blue and Yellow together is UKRAINE

So Mother Russia listen up

It is your own chance of Freedom

While the Military Cats are far away, then Come out to Play

Demonstrate all over Russia at 7pm and 2 pm on the Weekends

Make this PUTINs end

For without Freedom, you are already Dead

Long Live Ukraine

We are living in Fatima times 

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