Thursday, 3 March 2022

What annoys me

 What annoys me

Pretentious writers

Like one I just read in the Press today

I nearly sent him an email telling him to grow up

I read a woman the other day and nearly said the same to her

There's nothing worse than somebody who studies writing

Ok, read books do English at Uni

My niece got a First by the way

Read lots of books 1/2 way

But Learning how to write, goodnite

I'm annoyed already

They just cannot write, they all write the same

Like Americans, tired pretend bored

Just speak as you would to me

Not writing Poetry on the toilet walls

Annoying me

I would go on, but pain and Tinnitus are attacking me

Yes really

I need to go back to bed, and then the noise when I awake

Of Tinnitus in my head

Believe it or not, that hour when I awake

is the most terrifying

The way I've put this down may have annoyed you

But I'm being honest, not up my own ____

That's all for now

May come back later

I am no Journalist who can write to order

I have to be in the zone, and Tinnitus

is a no entry sign, that's why these past 

8 months you are getting stuff like this

A Story(c) by Michael Casey 

is hard to write with Tinnitus in my head

A final thought 

Ukraine should not chase our dreams away

Writing/Singing/Dancing should go on

Otherwise Evil has spread to our hearts and minds too

A Light of Hope and Prayer needs to continue

For everybody's Sanity


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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting I know you'd all prefer stories instead of the Political co...