Monday, 21 March 2022

A Call to Prayer

A Call to Prayer

now as you know I try and write funny stuff

but with Tinnitus it's hard to write new stuff

so I bullet point instead, and dream of a speed typist etc etc etc

Now as you also know my family is from Kerry Ireland

and any faith I have was poured inside me by my mother

I don't have it on display, I am a quiet person of faith usually

But now, but now

I need to SHOUT and remind all of you of all faiths

What is happening in Ukraine

In WWII Russia suffered so much, 

And Russia kept all the foreign lands after Hitler was beat

Then in 1956 when Hungary revolted Russia put them down

Then in 1968 when Czechoslovakia  revolted Russian put them down too

Then the Berlin Wall Fell

And all the nations were FREE

They all chose Freedom

Now PUTIN during Covid Lockdown has been staring at maps

So Now Putin wants USSR 2.0

that's a quick History lesson

Remember too Russia lost 40,000,000 souls in WWII

and now Putin in Evil Irony is trying to kill 40,000,000 + Ukrainians

So  now we are in Fatima times

Russians may lose burgers and Netflix but Ukrainians are losing LIVES

Ukraine is losing all its Building, everything turned to ASH

So spread the word in any way you can than Putin is the new Hitler

He is killing and destroying everything just as he has in Syria

So now is the time for Prayer Christian and Muslim and every other faith

Must unite to stop Putin's madness

The Fatima statue has been moved from Portugal to Poland and is now in Ukraine

On 25th March Prayers will be said for Peace

So put it in your dairy and make a stand for prayer

The Darkest Hour is just before the Dawn

And I've had many darkest hours personally in my life

But now is the time for all good men, to pray

Especially those with feet of clay, like me, like you

We may be far from perfect, but pray anyway

A sinner's prayers could be enough

To stop Putin's mad war in Ukraine where he is killing 

his own cousins/brothers/sisters/mothers/fathers and children

If I had the power to stop Time, I would use it

But Our Lady of Fatima does via the Rosary

So stop and pray this Friday 25h March 2022

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