Friday, 11 March 2022

Anything can happen in the next 24 hours

Anything can happen in the next 24 hours

Harold Wilson said A Week is a Long Time in Politics

I believe he resigned as he was getting Alzheimer's disease

The point today 11th March 2022 is that

Russia will lash out even more in Ukraine

Then try and claim a Victory and Pull Out

Because it has set Ukraine back 20 years

Russia has set itself back 100 years

The cracks are appearing in its own Media

Hopefully ordinary Russians in the street

Will Demonstrate and Boot Putin out

Meanwhile Ukraine is raped and bleeding

Killing People is Russia's aim

It puts all our own worries in shame

All our pains all less compared to Ukraine's

People dying in the street

Newborns being killed as they are being born

Hospitals and Care Homes everything under attack

The very soul of a nation being destroyed

Or so Putin thinks

Today is the last day, the final agony

I hope and pray

And in the morning Putin will be gone

Mother Russia lost 40,000,000 Souls to Hitler

Now the ultimate Irony

Putin wants to kill 40,000,000 Ukrainians

Evil Irony

That has to STOP

So Pray Peace breaks out today

Only Putin stands in the way

As he exits stage left to join Hitler

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