Sunday, 20 March 2022

How Fakers Write to You

How Fakers Write to You (c)

By Michael Casey

With Due Respect

as he beats his lover with a stick

From the Desk Of

he is the cleaner stealing the PC to spam you

From Dr XYZ

he's in the waiting room waiting for his STD test 

Email me on this 2nd email

his mother will spank him if she catches him

Bokino Fazo

every email from there is PANTS

I am dying of Cancer, see a photo of me in bed

They are lying in a swimming pool spamming you

I am a female and enjoy swimming

NO, they are a man with a hairy chest

$344,999,000 to share just send me your Bank Details

Scam, Scam and Scam again

You are a special winner

100 emails on the email forwarded to you


they are copying from a Black Board, probably in Bokino Fazo

And On it goes

I found your email address on a directory

You are Totally EX-Directory

I can get you to Top of Google for a Fee

You are in 100 countries already

ANd SO  ON And So ON

If you hover the real Email appears

And if it does not


FWD email

Just delete IT

If they don't say

I read your piece on Farting your website

And it was Gas, how are you so funny

If they don't write 3 sentences on how they found you

Then just DELETE them




If there  is a real person out there then


Otherwise it is mass produced SPAMMING

They will bother to read the Bio

And then they will bother to say something

One line, is a scam

Two lines are still a scam

Three and more, mean they have at least done their homework

TRUST nobody

Why should they write to you anyway

Also if like me you are in England

Why are USA ads targeting you

Spam, spam spam and spam again

Or should I say THIEVES and LiARS

So everybody beware

And if you are one of my readers and really want to talk

Who/WHAT/Where/When/Why just for starters

if you could not be bothered THEN

you are just a faker, a con artist, a liar

I get 100 a day, which I delete unread

I also get pain every day, and Tinnitus in my head

So I don't suffer fools

Real people I'll give all my time to

But you there  With Due Respect Dr ZXT dying of cancer in a hospital

bed, with picture attached,  wanting to donate millions to me

to build a children's home, as you have no living relatives left

you are just a Faker

Who'll burn in Hell very soon

We all went to school, and you obviously did not

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