Thursday, 10 March 2022

Kazakhstan and Russia reading me today along with lots of others

Kazakhstan and Russia reading me today along with lots of others

Maybe I'm corrupting all the astronauts or cosmonauts at the Space Facility

Can you hear Ukraine's pain in Space

Can you hear me say the Rosary in my Tinnitus time in the night?

Only Russians can overthrow Putin

so some clever hacker should take over all Russian TV

and get the message out

Murder and rape of Ukraine is going on

Putin wants to trash and entire country for his safety

Adventure abroad to shore up his 20 year reign 

History is watching him

As he brings Syrian style murder to Ukraine

The world should be fighting Global Warming

Instead of Putin's madness

Next there will be Famine because of him

Will he destroy everything before Russians rise up 

and throw Putin into the dustbin of History

Nobody gains through war

Where is the Religious indignation and screams for Peace in Russia

Go shout it on the rooftops. Putin is not Russia

Russia does not want war

Putin is Evil

Putin's Love of Money

is the root of all evil 

And so on

I'm just a simple person, I cannot write happy things

when so much unhappiness is all round

These are my tears of a clown

Let There be Light


Let There Be Light ©


By Michael Casey



Let my tears be my words


Let the candle light be my eyes


Let the flowers in bloom be my lips


Let their scent be my blood


Let the wind be my breath


Let clouds be my mood


Let children’s laughter be my hope


Let widows’ sighs be my conscience


Let a stranger’s prayers be my delight


Let the bees be my wisdom


Let the trees be my strength


Let my patience reach to the stars


Let me be always remembered in your prayers

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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting I know you'd all prefer stories instead of the Political co...