Monday, 28 March 2022

Putin's Shadow

Putin’s Shadow ©


Michael Casey

Well, it’s 28th March 2022 now, I’m musing what to write about today, Putin’s Evil dominates. Like a spoilt child he plays the victim when in fact he has always been the bully, though as he has Media Monopoly his own people may not see the lies. Look to the Fridge not the TV is the answer, as they say in Moscow. Russia did defeat the Evil that was Hitler, but then for 80 years they held their own people back. Billionaires stealing all of Russia’s treasure, corrupt elections with ballot stuffing caught on video. So, Putin can play the innocent, sending perfume to Salisbury, you do know how tall the spire is? All this makes everybody sick. Now Ukraine is trashed, 40,000,000 souls Russia lost to Hitler, and yes, the West never did appreciate it, but now Putin is trying to kill 40,000,000 Ukrainians, Poetic Evil Irony. Ukraine may be totally trashed, but a Country is its People, just as a Church is a People not the building they are in. Will Sanity prevail and Putin be carried out, look to Fatima for the answer maybe.

I think the Future should be Russia disarming, billions will be needed to reconstruct Ukraine, and Russia will have to pay for it, Free Gas for 100 years maybe. So, what will be left in Russia. The Brain Drain has already started, 100,000 already gone. Is Lenin still on display like a Holy Icon, when Faith was banned for decades, till Political Expediency allowed it back. I’d bury Lenin and really Bring Faith Back, not lip service to hoodwink the truly Faithful. We are not Christians if we make war, as Pope Francis said, the Russian Pontiff too should be allowed to state the same. Faith is never an instrument of any state. And if it is, then it is not truly Faith but a corruption. Look back at History.

Open for all to see is true Democracy, term limits, not just shuffling the pack. Pay Politicians well, but they should be in a fish tank, nothing off the books. Yes, corruption is endemic is some countries, but once Putin’s war is over, Russia needs to start again. It will have to, as the West won’t let them off the hook this time. What does Russia want as its Future, a Disney Land theme park offering. I’d suggest get rid of all the Nukes, what use are they, just making Russia poor, you never needed them anyway. Militarism is just stupidity, Russia is too big to be invaded.

Or does Putin think he can nuke his Future away. There is no Future for anybody, for mankind itself if nukes are used. And if Power stations are destroyed all the earth can be poisoned too. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The wind spreads nuclear radiation, does Putin want to hide in his bunker for 20 years, living a half-life, as the half-life of radiation goes down. 

All what’s happening in Ukraine makes the entire world cry, as the world stands on the side-lines and 40,000,000 Ukrainians begin to die.  9th May is one date I’ve read when Putin will declare victory. As that’s the anniversary when Hitler was beat after killing 40,000,000 Russians. Then 13th May is the anniversary of Fatima in 1917 when Russian Evil was foretold. So, Putin casts a dark shadow over History. And maybe it is only Fatima’s Light and Prayer that’ll end the dark period of History. 

Pray, Hope and Don’t Worry.

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