Friday, 25 March 2022

Putin Thinking

 Putin Thinking

Trump was a lunatic, still is by the looks of it

Biden is senile and his deputy would rather be somewhere else

The GOP are Racists, see how they treat that Black Lady

a Judge who should really spank all of them

for their bigotry and ignorance

USA is divided, to Mask or Mask not

In the Far East they mask all the time anyway

China is recovering from Covid and wants to be left alone

India is, just far too big

Then Great Britain, what a joke, Boris

EU still hates UK and delays everything out of spite

And the whole world has gone Woke

Selfies Everywhere

Meanwhile my Russian Billionaires have stolen all Russia's money

And I am just so phoney, but I control all the Media

So the Population haven't got a clue

I'm still playing off we beat the Nazis nearly 80 years ago

Russia is playing off it's History not today's reality

But People are Stupid and are still easily led

I'll give them back a few churches after years of No Faith

I'll pretend to be a good Christian, a cheat from Trump's hymn book

Then I'll act like a Nazi in Syria, because I can get away with anything

So all in all I'm a King with billions stashed away in London and Switzerland

Even a vault under the floor of my Kremlin Palace

And a wave and smile to hide all my malice

So with the world at my feet

I can ensure my continuing reign as Tzar of Russia

By invading poor Ukraine, nobody will help them

It'll be done in 3 days, just like in the Bible

And then USSR 2.0 will be back

And nobody can stop me or I'll send them

Salisbury perfume, do you know how tall the spire is

BUT wait

what's happening

Z we painted on the tanks

put Z is already in Ukraine


with that Putin awoke from his Dream


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