Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Stay Happy Always

Stay Happy Always is how I sign off on emails

I also say I'm still  fat

I reached 127kilos when they weighed me in Hospital

Lockdown and toast with Totoro our cat in the Tinnitus night

helped that, so No toast any more in the night

so 123 kilos is my new weight after a couple of months

of no toast in the night with Totoro

Tinnitus I'll have forever, and each time I awake 

an hour of dangerous howling

Anyway at least I can get boxes of 200 paracetamol

and stronger pain killer gel too

for my pain times

Not that this matters to any of you

we all have more to do, like saying the Rosary

we are in very dangerous times

Yes, I do follow the News, but I'm assuming

you all need a break from it

So I'll try and bring some lighter stuff to the table

Essays and Play that I loaded up recently has a fair bit of comedy in it

Plays to make you laugh

Battered Husband from 30 years ago, morons missed the point

I inverted a situation, but PC people back then just forget how to laugh

Ditto with Shoplife which could have been my breakout 30 years plus ago

I could mention GOP being Fascist or Dems being too Woke as to be a Joke

But I'm over here in Birmingham, as in ENGLAND

So I don't get to vote in our Elections

50 years plus of serious news watching


Next time I'm here I'll try and write something

Tinnitus permitting

Or do you prefer bullet points like this

Anyway something lighter

So for now all of you watch Kdramas

they are like James Bond meets a Daytime soap

Comical in a word

So try my Wordpress as well as this 

And then you'll be really


HEY that was a Joke, or are you like some who

can never fathom me out

But would rather hold me under the water

till the bubbles stopped

Like a line from The Adam Project yesterday

though in my case

The bubbles would be from FARTS

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