Saturday, 27 March 2021

Just a few thoughts through the pain 27/3/2021

 Just a few thoughts through the pain 27/3/2021


That's how I feel today

And yesterday was horrible for hours too

My hernia though bypass scar, my left shoulder, my back etc

So It is nice to be able to do something on good days or hours

It is as variable as the English weather

So thank you for reading me all over the world

BUT .edu emails for rubbish, give me a break as Uncle Joe Biden would say

I do know how to hover before I delete you

And the usual lets share money left in bank acounts

You are just wasting your time


that'll hel pyou more than thinking you are smart

Because you are just as pain in my BUTT

and in everybody elses


this is the polite version as my head throbs

Now moving on to the really nice people

My real readers

THANK YOU from my big fat bottom

it gets bigger if you just sit in a chair all day

SO get your boyfriend to chase you around the living room

for 15 minutes every 2 hours

Or the cat if that's all you have

Our cat is 6 now, Totoro had a Birthday

Over in France the readers continue

Maybe it is some girl who is doing the reading challenge

Reading Everything I've ever written on Blogger

Butcher Baker Undertaker blogger is my main one

and you can hear my voice too 


12 hours of me, then an AI voice reading some more of my stuff

When I get around to it I'll record more and shove it on my Spotify

So imagine this, a beautiful French girl, or a girl living in France

reading everything of mine, while in search of Romance

and the Perfect Prize, ME, or is that Insanity

Winning Me, and making 4 babies and creating a new Kpop family

 That's my Pathos Dream, but I'll more likely be dead

Not today not tomorrow, I'll have to suffer for years more

And so will you, as you read this rubbish

Though what would this girl really look like

A nun, who throws away her habbit like Julie Andrews

And makes me the sound of her music, and form our Kpop band

Or an 150kilo Sumo like girl with a hairy wart on her lip

sounds like me in drag a bit

I'll never know as nobody sends me pasted in photos

Only scammers and blaggers, who get deleted unread

I'm listening to Sleeping at Last

and yes it helped me beat Tinnitus last night

So I'll listen to them more

The previous night was another Dark Night of the Soul

Pain and  No sleep, I'd beat any torturer as I have such a life already

Now what else, I did think of a couple of story ideas I'd like to put down

I never run out of ideas, and its not the pain leading to ideas

The pain is a road block that slows me down, a bit like in the Suez right now

It allows my French reader with the hairy wart a chance to gain on me

Sadly, she's never catch me, as she weighs more than me etc etc etc

My French viewing figures with stop immediately 

Cest ne pas juste

and so on

So I'll go and watch Vincenzo, he stroked the girls hair loving last episode,episode 10

So in Kdrama land, is it the beginning of a new Korean Mafia line

And yes dear readers, I dream of Kdrama and Kpop girls,  just one is enough

to start that Kpop family for me, she's need to be a typist and a nurse

so that's the end of pathetic me for today

and if you say your prays maybe God will just take me away

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far