Thursday, 11 March 2021

hello Others you know me, but I'm phantasing as to who you are 11/march/2020

 hello Others you know me, but I'm phantasing as to who you are

Had a bad Tinnitus night, my life is a Sine curve, for all you techies out there

No idea where all the Others are, just hope you are not Assassins

out to get me. Or is it Donald Trump having a secret thing for my words

Weird and wonderful browsers too. Perhaps you got a complaint email 

from me yesterday, my pen is my Nuclear weapon by the way...

Whoever you are WELCOME

I write for Everybody and will take money from the Divil himself

Use it for good, after I get it off the Bad and the Ugly

and no I'm not looking in a mirror

No don't buy Potters Fields, build Hospitals and Clinics

Koreans everywhere reading my stuff, Quick Stories in Korean is doing good

I need to get back to my Kdramas too, missed a couple of days.

I do have an idea for a new piece instead of these chats, so come back by Midnight

I may have put it down

I pace myself more, and the pains when they hit are harder and longer

Yes, many millions more suffer far more

But I'm a writer so what do you expect

Otherwise the page would be blank

So the piece would be Less is More(c) by Michael Casey

about less being more

Rupert Murdoch is 90 today I think, he hasn't spoken to me yet

then again he never does nor never will

But I can remind him I'm cheap and he should use me   to HEAR my Podcast

But in Less is More(c) I'll reveal some tricks for Billionaires

and Banrupts. Relax and Plan basically. And switch off phone

at least pooh in silence. 5mins of planning will stop the white hairs

I know, I have a mirror

mine are probably due to CKd, not the Perfume the Kidney

And dreaming is good, because it lifts the spirits

So I'll meet a Kpop girl, we'll marry and have 4 kids and form

a new Kpop band, or a martial arts school

That's my dream, yes I am a fool and I do live on a hill

Thats all my musings for now, I need food

Wherever you are in the world and Others are hidden

if it's the Space Station, or nuclear submarines coming up for air

or grannie on the porch over there, or Putin having a laugh

Stay happy and come back

Coverage galore, but I lack penetration

Not unless Rupert has left me a note in my email

or it could just be yet another begging letter from Jeff Bezo

how does he know my email, or is it Joe now that he has more time

as the dogs have gone back home.

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far