Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Hang Over Cure?

 Hang Over Cure?

Raw egg with milk and sugar/honey 

mix in a mug with a spoon

then drink

Let me know if it works

I did not have any alcohol today

Thanks to all the readers everywhere

One day, The Media will catch up

and I'll be breakdancing with joy, whoever Joy is

I enjoyed writing today's story so its 2000+ whatever in total

I could count but I don't bother  anymore

21Door Keys, my next book has now reached 57pages of nearly 19,000 words

so at this pace, 228 pages and 76,000 assuming I kept this pace up.

by Christmas 2021

I discovered there is a Lindy Loo song by an Australian guy, when I did a random 

Google search of tonight. 

Life is strange and Google is even stranger

there is even somebody with the exact same name as me

I'm the good looking one with the largest Winnie the Pooh belly

so google carefully, if you see a battered photo, then it's me

I don't pose for anybody, well, except for the still life nude painting class

which is held on the no.11 bus, it's a touring exhibition.

If it's a huge hit, it may be transfered to Radio, where you'd see even more of me

With such Clatity, I'm sure my readers far away will be besumed.

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far