Wednesday, 17 March 2021

Happy Paddys Day to one and all

 Happy Paddys Day to one and all

10 different coutries overnight here

and French Galore on the cartoons security backup site

I have 3 blogger and one wordpress by the way

So I write and then cut and  paste o my sites

If its a new piece its on all 4

If it's a chat maybe just one of them

Hello to New Zealand too, is it JG ? Is it 2 broken legs you?

I spotted somebody using a THIEF OF WORDS CHECKER

people steal from me and not the other way around

33 years Writing, with 20 years Listening BEFORE I started

so 53 years, yes I started early.

So obviously I have a ton of words. 2,000,000 plus maybe

if I add the chats, which don't go into my books

So there you go

I've put all the Translations Online

As I want the world to read me

Then maybe I'll get Media attention in reverse

But I'd rather have my Health

I don't won't to follow any Path, just my own

So I'll die unrecognised, maybe I should shave more.

But writing keeps me happy and the STATS

prove to me, the humour does Travel world wide

So tell everybody, go shout it on the roof tops

Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham

his Words will make you laugh and smile, and even think

As for himself he just stinks, so open a window as you read

and pray to God he does not breed

Imagine even more of him


p.s. I may write a new piece later on, so all 10 countries from last night,                           come back later today

latest photos from yesterday, in baggy clothing

I'm much thinner undressed, but you'd have to read all 2000

stories to see me in all my glory. The sick bucket is to the left of the screen.

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far