Monday, 29 March 2021

29th March 2021

 29th March 2021

Bad Tinnnitus night, so I just got up to let cat in

Totoro is a very bad cat

I'll be going back to bed to try and get some sleep 

before I re-emerge and inflict more stories on you

Over on Wordpress

13 places reading me in a day, yesterday

so have you got nothing better to do

one was from Brazil, which was JUNK, so don't bother

Some people think I'm a target, so they obviously don't know me

and I never want to know them, yes lack of sleep making me even blunter

The stories are to amuse, not for you to abuse

Now I'm going  back to bed with Tinnitus in my head

You wear my shoes for a day...

but leave my stockings and suspenders alone.....


p.s. and a real thank you to the readers in France for continuing to plough through my stuff

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