Friday, 19 April 2024

yes I was told a planned triple heart bypass but 6 months later 4 grafts. plus photos

yes I was told a planned triple heart bypass but 6 months later  I was told I had 4 grafts 2015

so I'm not exaggerating

today 2024 I'm told dialysis is inevitable


let's see if my Rosary can. work some magic

Nothing is Impossible to God

unkept look

happy unkept look

Russian look

Soft Spanish leather look, size 52inch I'll sell it

got it in Barcelona before marriage and Poverty 

Feb 1999 I think

 and I'll give money to my student daughters

any offers start the bidding

perfect for your Fat Daddy

you get the jacket not me

as good as I get maybe, shaved above with Harry's razor, is that why he is so angry always

my Irish Arran look, hello to Kerry too

my jacket for sale another photo

my Sancho Panza jacket

which one is Benny Hill, can you tell the difference?

big daughter

our private cleaner the one above

the old house where I started to write in 1987 and the totoro name plate in 2015, now we live elsewhere
and if you lot started to buy books I'd get a bigger house, and one each for my daughers, castles in the air but Pigs don't fly

me and my smaller daughter

If I won the lottery I'd buy all 3 of these brand new houses

one for the family, and one each for my daughters

Then they could stop by for a cup of tea often

BUT seriously we've had so many Graces this past week

after much much sadness and darkness, which I won't share with you

For I do believe in God, and thankfully HE puts up with me

because I know his Mother,  Mary

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...