Saturday, 20 April 2024

yes I've been doing it for 2 years, Cardinal Burke

yes I've been doing it for 2 years, Cardinal Burke

Praying the Rosary for Divine Intervention

and no the rest of you, not a friend of Trump's

from Harlem

Another Fake Visit

Please pray for the poor soul who set himself on fire yesterday

and will Trump even mention it

Or the hard working night shift guys who died on the Bridge

Or the Economic need to rebuild that bridge

Vacuous Photo opportunities

Are just that

All mouth and no trousers

Trump fiddles while Rome burns

He does not care

He puts other's lives in danger

while he has Bone Spurs

Black Lives matter

and ALL the colours of the Spectrum

But a Dictator will put them against 

the wall and shoot them once he is in Power

and a fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham

would be amongst the first to go

luckily I'm in Birmingham England

and have no valid passport

and I have too many diseases already

and YES

I missed my Daughter's Bio-Chemisty Graduation

And will miss her little sister's Graduation too

and her future Masters too

and when my big daughter get's her 2nd Degree, her Smile one

I'll miss another Graduation yet again

Because my PAIN attacks are so Random

and my Tinnitus is off the chart

so I don't want to DISRUPT the Ceremony

As I strip off to slap on Pain Killer

That's if I'm not wincing with the noise

in my Tinnitus head

Or even convulsing a bit

Graduation is all about the STUDENT

Not a chance to wince with pain as you self slapping

Anybody got a rolled up copy of Forbes with my Face on

and anyway it's only school

No matter how high Barron is

He's still at school

Not University yet

And Experience is the Best Teacher

and I know all about Pain

Watching Trump pains me

Because he just does not care

He just want's to self promote

and STEAL your Votes


and Pray, cos Trump 

believes in NOTHING

but his own proven LIES

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...