Friday, 26 April 2024

from 7 years ago, ITCH plus for KOREA, in reverse. order

Wednesday 6 December 2017

14th June 2023

 well had my BT today, hoping I'll stick at 25 for GFR

I  don't fancy being plugged in 3 times a week for Dialysis

If my numbers drop then that could become a fact of life

To be. avoided like the Plague

They have to put a tube in your body, or arm

I look like the elephant man already with my hernia

and scars on my chest and legs

Got appointments for my Tinnitus too

Tinnitus is the worst thing in my life ever

and i've had many bad things

and no, not my writing

do you want a slap, or should I kiss you for your cheek

The Cold, The Heat, The Wind, Tones can trigger it even higher

It brings tears t my eyes and you have to get out of bed early

TO avoid being a sitting target

I can take 3 hours for it to come down from gale force 10

when I awake in the morning. after my 2 hour slots of allowed sleep

I wake up every 2 hours, that's what my body does to me

So that's why you get these instead of story stories nowadays

But Singapore girl, now you are reaching the end of my page

You can visit and be my scribe

or just leave the stage to read even more of my stories

How to get to Old Forge And Singing Anvil

From the Author

From Harry Potter to Old Forge and Singing AnvilBy Michael CaseyHow do you get somewhere? You open your door and walk down the street, you may be going shopping for sugar, or you may be popping into church for a chat with God.You could be feeling lucky and go to Stanley Racing to have a 50p bet, at least smoking is banned now.To catch the train to Hogworts in Harry Potter you go to platform 9 ¾ and then away you go on a journey. The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker is set in Old Forge and Singing Anvil which is a magical place somewhere in the Black Country. So how do you get there? Well its easy, you just go to the pub. The Bear Tavern just 5 mins away from where I'm talking to you. Before you go inside the Bear just pop into the pharmacy and buy a big bottle of perfume, as an apology to your girl. Inside The Bear you ask for 17pints and packet of cheese and onion crisps. The crisps will soak up the 17pints. If you don't like alcohol or 17 pints is too much then just have 17 pints of cola. There is no time limit. Once the 17pints have been drunk and you've finished picking your teeth you are free to leave.Outside your head will spin at first, but in seconds, you'll wonder where you are as the familiar Bearwood Rd will have disappeared and as for the bear's head and the stone carved bears' heads on top of the Bear Tavern all will have vanished. Then your head stops spinning and you are on a different street of shops, you are on, well I cannot tell you the name of the street you have to read the book. You are though standing outside The Trader and now all 17pints and the cheese and onion crisps are forgot so you go inside for a drink, just one. The Trader is a real ale bastion in fact Camra just put "I cried" in its listing, it was that good. Wayne the landlord has a secret in the cellar, it's a stash of 40 or even 60 year old malt whisky. He stumbled over the hidden stash when he was renovating his pub,Now if you like your cafes then there is one just down the road from the Trader, Mark and Gillian got fed up of working in 5 stars, they wanted to see their diners, so they came back home to Old Forge and Singing Anvil where they set up shop, or rather opened a cafĂ©. Yes you can park your wagon and get a great bacon butty, Big Sid provides the meat and Patrick provides the bread. However with all their skill you are eating Michelin standard food in a small back street of Old Forge and Singing Anvil. This is just a peek of Old Forge and Singing Anvil, home to The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker. All you need is imagination and 17 pints of lager and one packetof cheese and onion crisps.end

About the Author

Well I'm fat, almost tall and I have silver coloured hair. You can see for yourself on the book covers. I wear shades because I need them they are not a pose, do I look like the kind of person who poses?
I have a Shanghai wife and 2 bilingual daughters, laughter is a big theme in our house, it stops the wife form nagging me. The term the wife is an old fashioned term that I like so I use it, its from British comedians from a different era. I try and write comedy/comic pieces as I'd rather make you laugh or at least smile instead of causing you pain. I do reserve the right  to make you think too, or try at any rate.
Writing is all about trying to influence people without the use of substances, touch their heart or influence their mind, and maybe steal a bit of their money and get them to buy all 5 of my Ebooks. So much for the theory, I'm a much fatter version of Gangham Style and see what happened to him.

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...