Wednesday, 17 August 2022

Twin Peaks in USA

 hello to you all

just took a codine, slam to my head

but i'll go back to bed in a bit

my back 1/2 slipped out again

Tinnitus off the chart again, dangerous

Anyway hello to USA, or is it USA Russia Embassy

Why does the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham

keep on emailing Holy Pictures to us  every day

BECAUSE Putin is abandoning 20,000 Orcs

50,000 plus already dead Russians

Is it because they are not WHITE EUROPEAN RUSSIANS?

is it Racism in Russia?

You tell me

Anyway say the Rosary for Peace in Ukraine

Mary's Garden, the Russians climbed over the wall

Now they should leave IMMEDIATELY

I'm sorry to bore you all with my Tales of Pain

BUT I'd rather be writing new stuff

but my Health is in the Gutter

Though I do look at the stars

Oscar Wilde said that, or Steven Fry in his imagination

Anyway, head feels like been hit by a baseball bat

so i'll lie down on the sofa to get strength to climb stairs again

Sadly this is my life again

CONTEXT so to speak

and Why do Americans still believe Trump LIES

anybody who does not believe the RESULTS

should not be allowed to run for Dog Catcher

let alone anything else

As they are OBVIOUSLY mentally unable to deal with REALITY

and that is why Putin thought he'd get away with his WAR

Ukraine fought for its freedom

and what happened in Afghanistan

they ran away, the Afghan army I'm talking about

You can say more, you could also say


Discuss, 3000 word essay by end of day

As for Trump, Ukraine needs to finish off Putin

if Trump won again, Ukraine would be dumped

So God Help Us, Literally

too much Politics for you?

50 years I've followed it

Read Chapter 9 of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker

M.P. Married to a Person, Married to a People

my comic take on Politics

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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting I know you'd all prefer stories instead of the Political co...