Sunday, 7 August 2022

Dream, Lionel Richie, English Lessons and Belize again

follow link for AUDIO and short stories Teach Yourself English


but I bet you don't

I have two student daughters to feed

as for me, all I need is an end to PAIN and Tinnitus

a speed typist would be good too

Lionel Richie is singing I'm rediscovering him

My daughters were out dancing last night Jamaica Independence Day

or something

had a blast

Belize is reading again, is it Korean Tourists still?

Thanks anyway and Korea too

still  no email saying Thank you for the stories

Like Jesus when he cured 10, and only one turned back

a Samaritan, if I remember my Bible, to says thanks

I also read ROC in Russia has new churches

but more of a property thing than Faith

as they are built in the wrong places

More of a decoration to gain Votes

Putin and his altar boy


I had a strange dream

I was walking down the road

a middle aged couple were in front of me

the man I cannot remember

the woman was in a pink dress

we stopped to talk

she asked can I give you a kiss

I said your husband might not like that

So in the street she gave me a big hug and kissed me

then she said in my ear

I am the Virgin Mary


so you tell me the meaning

well the tinnitus has calmed down

now my shoulder and back and head pain

have taken over

so I've slapped on the pain killer cream

and paracetamol will follow

As Grandma shouts from the kitchen in Shanghai

and it's like two chickens clucking LOUDLY

I just wish I could dance on the ceiling

with Lionel Richie, you try saying that if you are Chinese

I need a bath too, I smell like an animal from the zoo

but you all think I look like one already

you are all so cruel

And PUTIN you moron, if you blow up a Nuclear Power Station

the radioactivity will BLOW BACK TO MOSCOW

Can somebody sensible STOP PUTIN

and lock him in an asylum 

which reminds me my nephew said he might go into Surgery

when he qualifies as a Doctor

So anybody out there who wants to sponsor the Casey Clan

do get in touch, my girls alone maybe 10 more years of Education

if they go the whole hog, and yes I do stink like a pig

so I'll go and wash my PIGU

I am called Panzi in Chinese after all

and yes keep on saying the Rosary for Peace in Ukraine, and if you are in Qatar reading this

pray once a day for them. As Putin is no friend of any Believer, whatever variety you are.

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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting I know you'd all prefer stories instead of the Political co...