Tuesday, 16 August 2022

russia news update, and no more from me today Head pounding, back may hurt me again, and is it Air Pressure in Thunder causing it

News Update for Russia

You tell me do Russians not care as White European Russians are not dying the most, is there a lot of RACISM in Russia, you tell me? MY wife was a Shanghai girl and my daughters are BILINGUAL. And my own family from Kerry Ireland originally married 4 different Nationalities .

Want to survive nuclear war? Go to Argentina! South American country is best place to get through ten years of fallout, scientists say

  • Best chance of surviving Russia – US nuclear war is to flee to other side of world 
  • Argentina and Australia have best hopes of surviving for a decade after a fallout
  • Likelihood of starving to death would be 90 per cent if you stay in Britain 
  • Scientists say more than five billion people would die of hunger worldwide 


PUBLISHED: 01:35, 16 August 2022 | UPDATED: 01:58, 16 August 2022



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Fleeing to the other side of the world is your best chance of surviving a nuclear war between Russia and the US, scientists say.

Argentina and Australia have the best hope of their civilisation surviving for a decade after a fallout, but if you stay in Britain, the likelihood of starving to death would be 90 per cent.

The study, published in Nature Food and based on computer simulations, showed more than five billion would die of hunger worldwide after a full-scale conflict involving 100 nuclear bombs – with soot thrown up by firestorms blocking out the sun and causing crop failure.


Professor Alan Robock, from Rutgers University, New Jersey, explained to The Times that the reason Australia and Argentina had an advantage is because they already grow more resistant crops, such as wheat, in large quantities.

A nuclear war between Russia and the US would be detrimental. Scientists suggest fleeing to Argentina or Australia would have the highest chance of survival


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A nuclear war between Russia and the US would be detrimental. Scientists suggest fleeing to Argentina or Australia would have the highest chance of survival

The study shows that more than five billion would die of hunger worldwide after a full-scale conflict involving 100 nuclear bombs. Pictured: A Russian soldier arms the biggest nuclear power station in Europe - Zaporizhzhia - after Putin's army took it off Ukraine


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The study shows that more than five billion would die of hunger worldwide after a full-scale conflict involving 100 nuclear bombs. Pictured: A Russian soldier arms the biggest nuclear power station in Europe – Zaporizhzhia – after Putin’s army took it off Ukraine


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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

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