Friday, 26 August 2022

Morning All, it's actually 2.30pm

Morning All, it's actually 2.30pm

i had breakfast, and faced down my Tinnitus

then came to my desk

then pain attacked me

so I've slapped on the cooling hemp

as well as 2 paracetamol

i get boxes of 100 such is my need

then for the recent back flare up

a box of codine

codine is dangerous

so i'm using it gingerly

what else

Venezuela reading me today

so hello to them and all other far fetched places

and please do not send me rubbish

i don't believe you are dying and have millions

or you are working for god

you are probably a fat guy, or an ugly prostitute

trying to hook suckers

to steal there money or import illegal stuff

Go away, and read a book

just don't annoy me

and folks in uSA , I'M IN ENGLAND


and as for Trump, why do you believe in him

are you morons, or just bad losers

you lost, then you use violence in support of him

Get a Life, and get a candidate

Trump was always a lunatic, and all the Govt did

was make sure he did not destroy USA from within

which he would do, if you were stupid enough

to elect him, no 2nd chances

He's safer in a red jump suit locked away safely

USA nuclear secrets left in a car boot sale setting

Come on so called patriots

Trump has only one loyality

to himself

what's in it for me

forget Country

so thank you Barron for shopping him

or maybe it was the cleaner

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In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting

In the morning I'll try and write a new story story, Tinnitus permitting I know you'd all prefer stories instead of the Political co...